NEPC and Zeenab Foods Limited Empower Nigerian Exporters in Kano State

Folalumi Alaran in Abuja

In a bid to fortify trade ties between Nigeria and China, the Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) partnered with Zeenab Foods Limited to organize a substantial sensitization exercise on August 28th, 2023, in Kano State.

This event proved to be a momentous occasion, where Nigerian exporters gathered to glean valuable insights about the operations of the Nigerian Export Trade House in China/Far-East region, as well as the General Administration of Chinese Customs (GACC).

The exercise was designed to furnish exporters with a comprehensive understanding of the Nigerian Export Trade House’s functions, aiming to equip them with the tools to harness its benefits effectively.

Mr. Victor Ayemere, the Managing Director of Zeenab Foods Limited, took the podium to guide attendees through the intricate steps necessary to secure GACC approval, underlining the advantages of collaborating with the Nigerian Export Trade House in the China/Far-East region.

Esteemed guests, including the Regional Coordinator NEPC North West, representatives of the Executive Director/CEO of NEPC, and officials from Zeenab Foods Limited, lent their presence to the event, reaffirming their commitment to the growth of the Nigerian export sector. The participation of key stakeholders from the industry accentuated the importance of the exercise.

The pinnacle of the event arrived with the formal signing of contracts between Zeenab Foods Limited and prominent agro commodities merchants. This moment not only symbolized the successful completion of the sensitization exercise but also showcased tangible outcomes resulting from the newfound knowledge and insights.

The collaborative efforts of NEPC and Zeenab Foods Limited laid a strong foundation for enhanced trade relations between Nigeria and China, ultimately contributing to the augmentation of Nigeria’s export sector and bolstering its foreign exchange earnings. This event marked a significant stride toward a more prosperous trade landscape for the nation.

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