
·           Okello Oculi urges BRICS to tackle racial exclusion of millions of the African Diaspora



·         President Lula of Brazil told BRICS leaders to focus on ending hunger and the ‘’DEBT VIOLENCE’’ which Dr Arikana Chihombori says carries out perpetual COUPS by seizing funds for health, education and food production for poor peoples in the ‘’Global South’’ countries.

·         President Cyril Ramaphosa recalled the meeting by African and Asian leaders at the 1955 conference in BANDUNG, in Indonesia, to manifest a community in solidarity for struggle against a shared colonial oppression, humiliation and expropriation of their natural resources by Euro-America and Japan.

·          NATO’s Secret Service operatives were shocked to see China’s Foreign Minister, Chou-En-Lai, at Bandung. He had outwitted them and escaped assassination by not traveling  in the airplane which they had shot down.

·         The BRICS meeting took place as a ‘’Science of Death’’ was burning the owner of the ‘’Wagner Mercenaries’’ in a plane crash in Russia. The enthusiasm with which Euro-American media grabbed the news suggested their cold fingers in the event. France, Germany, Britain and the United States needed the death to stop Prigozhin’s arrival in Niamey. With ECOWAS waving hot fingers at military rulers in Niger, the loss of the Russian adventurer would panic them into folding their combative ears and fleeing to hide in the Sahara if Bazoum roars back into power.

·         Euro-America had lost the drama of seeing South Africa’s police crowding around President Putin to keep off hungry fingers of ‘’Boers’’ hired to spit fires of hatred against  a ‘’Communist’’ who supported the African liberation fighters in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and South Africa. Putin talked to television viewers via Zoom.

·         The loud chorus in the speculation that Putin plotted the air crash was a fallback by hounds wiping their tongues over their fangs. They are still angry that access to uranium and oil deposits in Niger is under threat of being grabbed by Russia.

·         As a side income,  the focus on Putin diverted attention away from India’s triumph in space competition. India’s scientists had landed a research satellite on the southern area of the moon that has deposits of water. Prime Minister Modi followed the African proverb about a lizard nodding its head in self-celebration on landing down from the top of a tall tree.  If the Nobel Prize Committee controlled by the G7 cabal is not going to honour India’s scientists, BRICS was a good enough stage.

·         It was interesting that President Xi Jinping of China allowed himself a comradely silence about Prime Minister Modi’s  boasting. A few days before the 15th BRICS meeting in South Africa, the media reported that Russia’s space scientists had lost control of a satellite sent to the moon.  Nevertheless the effort left South Africa and Brazil as virgins of space science achievement by BRICS.

·         The ‘’Global South’’ controls 46 per cent of oil in the market; 40 per cent of the world’s population (with Africa having 1.3 billion); and 25 per cent of the world’s Gross Domestic Product. China controls deposits of ‘’ Rare Earth’’; while Russia’s ownership of raw materials is a ‘’geological scandal’’. These resources made Russia attractive as a potential colony of Germany under Hitler.  It is so attractive to NATO countries today.

·         BRICS leaders are angered by the fact that their raw materials have continued to feed industrialization in G7 countries; while they shut them out of key centres of global decision-making, notably:  VETO-holding members of the UN Security Council; the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. These institutions are run as tools for sustaining the wealth of the G7 economies by looting economies of the ‘’Global South’’.

·         The use of the American Dollar as a ‘’Reserve Currency’’ makes it easy for the American Government to seize money belonging to countries whose policies contradict its national interests.  These insults, economic impunities and selfish individualism; contemptuous indifference to sufferings in societies that value shared welfare, have fuelled creative rage in BRICS.

·         It is similar aspiration for shared welfare which has incited current military coups in Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. The popular support they have earned challenges the legitimacy of ‘’democracy’’ dressed as defending corruption, and violence to protect rigged elections. It questions the legitimacy of sovereignty when foreign governments murder opposition politicians and patriotic leaders.

·         Prime Minister Modi read out a litany of African countries hosting Indian companies. He did not refer to the Indian Diaspora in Eastern and Southern Africa. He did not mention the paradox of India’s achievements in pharmaceutical industry while African countries whose leaders shared diplomatic drama with Prime Ministers Nehru and Indira Gandhi are still indulging in importing expired medicines from his country.

·          BRICS must tackle racial exclusion of millions of the African Diaspora who populated the Indian subcontinent many centuries ago. Likewise in Brazil. G7 countries are sharpening cobra fangs.

·         Prof Oculi writes from Abuja

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