Dinah Lugard Advises Brands on Cybersecurity Tips For Staying Safe Online

As cyberattacks and data breaches continue to threaten organizations and consumers alike, cybersecurity expert Dinah Lugard is speaking out on the importance of online safety and vigilance.

“The internet has revolutionized communication and business, but it has also created new risks that all brands need to take seriously,” said Lugard. “Hackers are constantly developing new ways to steal data and disrupt operations. Brands can’t afford to be complacent.”

Lugard founded The Cure Initiative in 2020, a non-profit dedicated to helping individuals struggling with substance abuse through rehabilitation programs and outreach. However, the Cybersecurity expert and electrical engineer has become increasingly focused on advising brands on cybersecurity as threats have evolved.

Her first tip for brands is to use strong, unique passwords and a password manager. Reusing simple or weak passwords across multiple accounts makes a business extremely vulnerable. A password manager generates and stores strong, randomized passwords to heighten protection.

Enabling two-factor authentication is another vital step, according to Lugard. By requiring an additional login code or confirmation via phone, two-factor authentication prevents criminals from accessing accounts even if they steal passwords.

Lugard also emphasizes the importance of timely software updates. Patches often address newly discovered security flaws that hackers could exploit. Neglecting to update leaves known vulnerabilities open for attack.

On public WiFi networks, Lugard warns that brands should avoid logging into sensitive accounts or use a VPN for encryption. Traffic on public networks is easier for bad actors to intercept.

Phishing scams by email are another major threat brands must watch out for. Staff should be trained not to click suspicious links or attachments that could unleash malware.

Installing high-quality antivirus software and running regular scans helps detect and block sophisticated malware. Ransomware attacks in particular can cripple business networks and operations if malware takes hold.

While convenience is tempting, Lugard cautions against oversharing personal information online that could facilitate identity theft or targeted attacks. Details like birthdays, addresses and vacation plans should be kept private.

Regular data backups are also critical in case devices are lost, stolen or compromised. Backups allow restoration of files, minimizing disruption.

Ultimately, Lugard emphasizes that vigilance and layers of security are a brand’s best defense. “The online world has many benefits, but also inherent risks,” she concluded. “Being proactive about protection and using common sense online goes a long way for brand safety.”

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