Falana to Nigerians: God Wants You to Fight Tyranny

Michael Olugbode in Abuja

Lawyer and rights activist, Femi Falana, has called on Nigerians not to leave the violation of their fundamental human rights to God to judge, but approach the court to file a case.

Speaking in Abuja at a programme, “A strategic dialogue on accessing remedies for human rights violation in Nigeria,” organised by the National Human Rights Commission, Falana said, “God wants you to fight tyranny. When your rights have been violated, don’t keep quiet about it.”

Falana advised that instead of leaving human rights violators to God, “Run to the office of your lawyer to file a case. You may be very lucky damages may be awarded.”

The lawyer, who equally alleged that the Nigerian government was notorious for non-payment legal charges, said, “My advice to government is that if you want to stop impunity you must pay charges.”

He equally advised that any security officers found to have violated human rights of citizens should be made to share in the payment of the penalty with the government or its institutions.

Falana equally decried the non-adherence to the 35 per cent affirmative action of women in public office, insisting that it was unfair and unlawful, and that if there had been a gender imbalance among the panel at the event, he would not have participated in the programme.

He, however, commended the Kwara State Governor, Abdulrahman Abdulrasakfor ensuring gender balance in the appointment of commissioners which stood at 50-50 per cent, advising other states to borrow a leaf.

Executive Secretary of NHRC, Tony Ojukwu, reaffirmed the commitment of the organisation to fighting the violation of human rights of any Nigerian.

He insisted that the commission was independent of government and had the power to ensure compliance to human rights.

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