Farewell, Oyeyemi Abass

All the world’s a stage, all men merely players; they have their exists and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts. So it is that Oyeyemi Abass, having played his huge part took a bow on the world’s stage. 

Coming to terms with the sudden demise of Oyeyemi Abass has been one of the hardest realities to accept in the recent times. Since the news of Abass death reached me, I still wake up in the midnight with disturbing thoughts and began to find a definite answer and meaning to what had actually happened to Abass. Many a time, his demise looks just like a nightmare than reality.  

Fate brought myself and Abass together in the early days of our undergraduate programme at Obafemi Awolowo University. Our first meeting was at the freshers’ programme organized by Nigeria Association of Muslim Law Students, (NAMLAS), OAU chapter. And from our conversation, it became obvious that some extraterrestrial forces in the universe were conspiring for us to meet on a joint mission. Our conversation revolved around socio-political challenges than personal. It was a meeting of the like-minded breeds. Indeed, strangers are awaiting friends.

We were very close at the early stage of our studentship until politics began to set us apart. Nevertheless, we were conscious of maintaining our friendship. We fought silently on many occasions and thereafter resolved the political fights. Our misunderstanding didn’t transcend beyond the choice of political candidates on campus. We were united in the struggle for a new Nigeria, the struggle against the university management oppressive policies, anti-cultism campaign and other forms of vices on OAU campus.

Abass’ demise really broke my heart, shattered my ego and dampened my spirit. We had planned to work together on some national projects in the nearest future. Behind the scenes, we used to appreciate God and boast about the level of untapped opportunities our passion has unconsciously created for us. Our potential, how far we had consciously and unconsciously gone in life, how to greatly impact humanity on individual capacity, how we have bright future ahead, were mostly subjects of our discussions. 

Oyeyemi Abass was a good-hearted fellow, community leader, committed philanthropist and thoroughbred politician. He had left an indelible imprint on the soul of the earth and for generations yet unborn to emulate. Abass’ departure came too soon. Nevertheless, he had invested heavily in impacting the lives of other people before his transition. The nature of his kindness, generosity, selflessness, empathy and doggedness would continue to remain an evergreen case study.

Binzak Azeez, Newworth LLP (Legal Practitioners), Onikan, Lagos

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