For Lady Nimi Ohuabunwa, this Journey is Painful

Dan Ochonma

That someday, every mortal will move on, hit the road for that eternal journey, is a mortal fact. That journey called on you rather too soon, Lady Barrister Nimi Faith Ohuabunwa! For Senator Mao Ohuabunwa, your husband (my cousin) and the entire Ohuabunwa and Ochonma families, do we know life can be this harsh?

You were a reassuring presence for your husband, your son and all of us – of whom you took great care of. Indeed, the moment you entered our lives, it was clear that you were more than just a spouse to our cousin; you became an essential thread in the tapestry of our family.

Pointedly, I feel the massive holes your transition has left in the thread of our hearts. Seated here, writing this, my heart is filled with a myriad of emotions. I find myself at a loss for words to truly capture the depth of my despair as you transition beyond. 

Commiseration and consolation are abounded for me as I hold on to the statement that God, the omniscient knows the best as he alone has the power of creation of life and home call – all at His will.

Lady Nimi, who were you? Well respected by all members of the family, you were a beacon of strength, compassion, and Love. Your gentle spirit and warm smile could brighten even the darkest of days. You were an inspiration to those around you, ever gregarious, intuitive, protective and positively inquisitive.

 You were a loving wife, daughter, sister, friend, devoted partner and mother. Your commitment to building a loving and harmonious home is evident in every interaction we ever had with you.  You had a way of making everyone feel valued and heard as you dished out endearing names such as ‘Dear me, Azumamaya’ for your husband and son respectively. 

A trained lawyer, hardworking wife and partner to your husband and a super woman, the news of your passing, shook the entire country, as condolences and messages of sympathy poured in from people in all walks of life, including prominent figures in politics and business, civil society and the general public. 

You were hospitable, and easily known for lending your ears to wise counsels, not minding the age gap. That way, you earned peoples’ respect and admiration.  

Through every twist and turn, you’ve stood by your husband, unwavering in support and love even in times of lows and highs. Your unswerving belief in him gave him the strength to overcome challenges and pursued his dreams fearlessly. Your presence alone is enough to calm any fears and soothe any worries, making every burden seem lighter and every moment more beautiful.

For those of us who had the opportunity to relate closely with you, you taught us the true meaning of compassion, understanding, and selflessness. You’ve shown me the beauty of vulnerability and the strength that lies within embracing our imperfections. You agitation and outspokenness whenever it was necessary or at invasion of your space were some of the values cherished in you even though some may take that as show-off or recalcitrance. 

Hajia, as I fondly call you came, played a part and departed. The stars and saints are all lined up for you as they herald your heavenly arrival to rest peacefully singing: When the saints go marching in…Yes, I want to be in their number. When the saints go marching in… 

Indeed, you have joined the saints, helpers are at your beck and call where there will be enduring support, wiping away remnant of tears on your face, consoling and listening to your inner most complaints and fears.

While the pain of your absence weighs heavily on our hearts and the cotton calls and closes in this theatrical world, it is open for you in the beyond where there is no time limit. We can die having been miserable with others, or we can die having made a difference and leaving beautiful memories in the minds of people. 

Any thinking of Hajia automatically brings a smile to the lips of those who knew her because she loved life. She always had a smile. 

Thank you, dear Hajia, for the great privilege of my family knowing you these years. I know you are still here among us. Thank you for reminding us that the present moment is precious, and that we should make the most of it by loving fully and generously.

It has been loudly pronounced: Your journey in life and service has been hugely impactful, leaving indelible footprints in all spheres. Like a special star, you shone everywhere you touched. You came, you saw and you impacted very positively.

Your transition to eternity will be peaceful, comfortable and devoid of sorrow, fear and tears. Spread your wings and fly proudly, Hajia, our lady. You have earned it! Hajia, Nwanyioma, Nwanyi ngaga, the lady with swag, Osedieme, Sleep well and Adieu!!

Ochonma, wrote in from the UK

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