Order Police to Vacate Union Offices, TUC Tells Tinubu 


Onyebuchi  Ezigbo in Abuja

The Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, (TUC) has asked President Bola Tinubu to end  Police occupation of the premises of the National Union of Road Transport Workers as well as other union offices illegally invaded by security agents.

It described the Police occupation of NURTW secretariat as unlawful, unaceptable and a rape of constitution.

TUC urged President Tinubu’s administration to rein in the security services whose personnel are engaging in serial lawlessness and acts of impunity and call them to order without further delay.

It also threatened to join forces with the Nigeria Labour Congress in solidarity action if government fails to evict the police from union offices.

A statement jointly signed by TUC President, Comrade Festus Osifo and Secretary General          Comrade Nuhu Toro, said the National Executive Council of the union considered the defence of the Nigeria Police Force and its reckless invasion and continued occupation of the offices of the  NURTW, “as act of impunity, irresponsibility, and a rape of the constitution”.

It said that the Constitution which is the supreme law of the Country states in Section 43 that: ‘’ Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, every citizen of Nigeria shall have the right to acquire and own immovable property anywhere in Nigeria’’.

TUC further said that Section 44 stated that:  “No moveable property or any interest in an immovable property shall be taken possession of compulsorily and no right over or interest in any such property shall be acquired compulsorily in any part of Nigeria except in the manner and for the purposes prescribed by a law”.

“Therefore, the forceful occupation of the NURTW Secretariat Abuja by the Police without any court order is illegal, draconian, unconstitutional and must be reversed forthwith,” said TUC said the statement by the police on Tuesday, August 30, 2023, claiming that its seizure of the union offices since August 12, 2023 was to forestall an alleged factional clash in the union, is laughable, adding that, it was intended to misinform the public.

“It is instructive to note that the police statement did not make any reference to its continued illegal occupation of the Lagos State offices of the NURTW, an affiliate of the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC and their inability to enforce the order of a court of competent  jurisdiction in the case of our affiliate the Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria, RTEAN.

The statement further said that it had in its 17th July, 2023 letter drawn the attention of the Inspector General of Police  to the April 18, 2023 order of the National Industrial Court, NIC which is an appellate court, requesting the police to intervene in the violation of section 40 ordering the police to enforce the judgement in favour of  RTEAN offices in Lagos, which is continuously violated by the Lagos State government.  , “Therefore  the occupation of the NURTW offices in Abuja is a continuation of the unconstitutional occupation of the union’s offices in Lagos State despite subsisting court orders.

Rather than maintain law and order, the police as in the case of the NURTW, is encouraging lawlessness and disorder.

“The TUC advises the President Tinubu’s administration to rein in the security services whose personnel are engaging in serial lawlessness and acts of impunity and call them to order without further delay.

“To avoid a situation where the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) and all our affiliates and Allies might be compelled to join the NLC our sister labour centre in solidarity, we demand that President Tinubu orders the Nigeria Police to vacate all union offices and insist that things be done in accordance with the laws and constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria”.

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