Tana Adelana:Being the First Nigerian Presenter on Channel O is Definitely Memorable

A recent feature of Christiana Nkemdilim Adelana, popularly known as Tana Adelana, on a section of this paper couple of weeks back necessitated a follow-up on the Nollywood diva. Tana has won many hearts and continues to do so through screens and television appearances. The award-winning actress, producer, TV presenter, and model tells Ferdinand Ekechukwu more about her personality, lifestyle, craft and also shares her thoughts about the industry

What have you been up to lately?

I’ve been on several sets, filming. I’ve also been working on my personal projects, one of which I just completed. 

Take us through a bit of your journey into acting?

Sort of started out as a model and television presenter so naturally, acting would find its way to creep in. I’ve actually enjoyed it so far so. 

Tell us a bit of your background, family, and fond memories?

I’m the last of 10 children. I grew up in a Catholic home. It was filled with love, encouragement and life! 

Was there some sort of resistance from your family towards your decision to be in entertainment?

My father was a liberal king and he loved me to bits. He didn’t dictate too much to us so it was easy when he saw the head way I made in very little time. 

…How about from your other family members?

Family, yes as there was a tag attached to being an actress. They didn’t want that for me but I guess everyone relaxed when they realized I had a total passion for what I do.  

Your dad passed last year, what are your fond memories of him?

Fun and fond memories…He was so full of life, he was full of love, he had a larger-than-life personality and everyone who came in contact with him fell in love with him. He was the king of the people and the father everyone would want to have.  

You have evolved overtime as an actress; can you share with us some of your memorable moments?

I understood early enough that every job is different and you’re only as good as your last job. I honed my craft and worked day in day out to better myself. Being the first Nigerian presenter on channel O was definitely memorable and also working as the presenter in Nigeria for Big Brother Africa, hosting Mnet’s Let’s Dance, Peak Talent Show and then winning lovely awards for my work as an actress tops it all. 

If you were not in entertainment, what other career path would you have taken?

I do consulting as well as a little bit of real estate. If I didn’t have a thriving career here, I probably would have focused on these two mentioned above. 

Has there been a time you ever thought of quitting acting? 

Oh yes!!! There comes a point in your career when you think or rather feel that you’re not being appreciated and you don’t know what to do anymore. That’s the point, the break or make point. I decided to forge ahead.   

What would make you quit if that ever comes to be?


What inspires you and what to you is the most exciting thing about acting?

Living someone’s life and trying to understand their pain, their joy, their happiness and emotional state while telling their story is the most fascinating thing ever! Nature inspires me.

What other art form do you indulge?

I produce, no I don’t sing if that’s what you’re asking (laughs out loud). 

Some of your colleagues have embraced skit making because it seems to be the new ‘crude oil’, would you consider such?

I’m not one who follows trends. I don’t want to do anything stupid but if I find a good character and story line, maybe I would. 

You are mostly busy traveling from one set to another, how do you balance your busy schedule and family life? 

Luckily for me, my kids a grown enough to communicate anything and everything with me. It makes it easier. They will grow up and focus on their lives pretty soon, I want to still have a career when that happens.  

Do you think celebrity marriages are by any means under attack considering some set of fans that are always eager to troll couples about marriage troubles? 

Lol. No attacks. There are different reasons why marriages break up; fans aren’t one of them as long as you keep your business private. 

How have you managed to stay out of scandal/controversy? 

Honestly, I don’t even know. Lol. I guess it’s because I mind the business that pays me, I don’t have a lot of friends and I stay private. 

In what ways has fame changed your lifestyle?

I don’t have that stuck in my head because I want to live a normal and peaceful life.  So, no way really…

What’s your view of Nollywood at the moment?

It’s putting the country in places where it ought to have been eons ago! For the first time, it’s all positive news about our great country.

What are some of the changes you crave in the sector?

Major budgets, so at least actors get paid enough, enough to do just 2 jobs in a year and be financially stable.

Tell us about Tap Studios?

Tap Studious is a production company set up for movies, series, documentaries etc. we also have a full equipment rental arm. 


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