‘Coup-d’etat Won’t Stop in Africa, If Leaders Shun Justice, Remain Selfish’

Sunday Aborisade in Abuja

The President, Chief Executive Officer of the GOTNI Leadership Centre, Linus Okorie, has said coup-d’etat would stop in Africa when leaders embrace selfless service to humanity.

He stated this yesterday  in Abuja when the project director of the African 100 Most Notable Peace Icons, Ambassador Kingsley Amafibe, gave him an award as one of the notable peace icons in Africa

Okorie said: “We need leaders with a sense of justice, who are selfless and speak the truth at all times.

“If Africa continues to grow such type of leadership, there will be stability in the continent.

“We only have crisis in system where there is deficit in leadership capital where people feel there should be no sense of transparency and are just serving themselves and think about themselves only, getting people dissatisfied in the process.

“The people want the best of education, good life and any leader who can sacrifice personal needs and focuses on the common good would always get accoladwes at every point in time.”

Okorie said the responsibility of the GOTNI Leadership Centre is to continue to invest in the leadership capital of citizens whether in their business or political spaces.

He said the most important thing is that the centre continue to groom them so that they can be the best they can ever be.

He said: “A leader could be a good man but lack leadership capital.What we are doing is to ensure that we balance all the critical needs leaders require to grow the system.

“I just hope that we will continue to have peace as a result of a stability that is guaranteed by the commitment of the leaders to serve the society the way they are supposed to do.”

Okorie said as part of his efforts to continue to support leadership environment in Nigeria and in the continent, his centre had perfected plans to launch 100 optmised mentorship programme for 100 Nigerians.

He said: “I will create an opportunity for the 100 young Nigerians wherever they are in Nigeria who either want to set up their businesses or trying to grow in their professional career.

“I will assist them to deepen on their work and to strengthen their capacity to make sure that whatever support they need to grow their businesses or to grow at the professional level, we  would ensure that in the next couple of years, they would become some of the best in Nigeria.

“I have also launched another programme for 100 undergraduates from various universities in Nigeria that we would give the opportunity within their four years in the University to understand the dynamics of leadership to the highest level.

“This would enable young people to reproduce what I am doing in their universities so that human capital development can be reproduced in the country.

“Leadership development investment is the future of any nation that want to eradicate poverty and achieve peace.

“The free students leadership programme would be unveiled on all my social media platforms, by 12 midnight on Wednesday (Today), where details of the requirements for the mentorshipw programme would be published.

“Thousands of people will apply and the process would be clear to everyone.  The process would be just without any form of partiality. Any interested student would go on all GOTNI social media platforms and apply.”

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