With the age of both Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the likely candidates for the 2024 US Presidential election, being a matter of concern Nikki Haley, a former Ambassador to the United Nations, is suggesting “mental competency tests” for politicians over 75 but why stop there?

There is a joke that an indicator for mental incompetency is that you would want to be a politician although most are actually sincere and hardworking but of recent some have faltered. It is assumed that politicians are the best we have to lead us but if we tested them all for mental acuity, moral fibre and honesty many could soon be unemployed.

Many occupations have a retirement age so that people can enjoy themselves before the effects of age slow them but in reality, it is often to get rid of them before they are no longer able to do their jobs and become a drag on the business.

Although it is being discussed with enthusiasm these tests are not going to be voted for, in fear that a number of politicians will be removed and if they apply the moral fibre and honesty tests as well many parliaments might be close to empty.

Think about who you vote for and select someone that will make the country a better place.

 Dennis Fitzgerald,
Melbourne, Australia

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