Aletor: I Will Revive Edo’s Battered Economy If Elected Governor in 2024

An aspirant for the 2024 gubernatorial poll in Edo state under the platform of the Labour Party, Adolphus Arebanmhen Aletor, in this interview with Adibe Emenyonu, speaks about his plan for the heartbeat of the nation especially in resuscitating  the state’s ailing economy.

Motives for your governorship aspiration?

I want to describe my aspiration as a call to service. I usually say that I am blessed to have taken the decision to run for governorship considering my political experience. Apart from students’ union politics, I have not been in politics but have cut my teeth in the mainstream corporate world. My type of business has exposed me to the grassroots and that is where I find my strength. When I do business with ordinary citizens by providing them with financial services, I realized that their quality of life has reached an unimaginable deplorable level, worse than when we were growing up. Quality of life is supposed to be improving and not declining. To further make it worse, I am able to easily identify solutions but in most cases, I see past governments, in trying to provide solutions, first make things worse before making an attempt to solve them. They complicate simple things. So every time I see government policies versus execution, I am appalled at the result and the ultimate impact on the life of ordinary citizens.

Many times, the government uses indices and statistics to defend the quality of life.

But what are statistics if the ordinary man on the street cannot feel the prosperity that the government is preaching?

So for me, the driving force to service is to seize the opportunity to use simple methods and approaches to creating a good life for our people. This good life is attainable and it cuts across all sectors of the economy, be it education, health, transportation, housing, agriculture, infrastructure, and so on and so forth.

Areas of priority to push forward?

The economy of Edo state has been badly beaten. The current government has struggled to deliver what the people want. Our people yearn for quality education. Investment in this sector has not made much impact as children still study in deplorable conditions. We can tinker with the model of operating our schools such as allowing missionaries or old boys/girls associations to run them while the Ministry of Education will have time to focus on quality assurance. The health sector especially in the areas of primary health care has not received sufficient attention. Most diseases can be tackled at this stage to avoid escalation. Nothing is wrong with having health Centers/Dispensaries in the 192 wards of Edo state.

Road infrastructure deserves a declaration of a state of emergency. Using partnerships to ensure roads are in good working conditions will not be a bad idea.

Insecurity, including food, lives, and property will also take a front row. There is a forecast of food shortage this year and this is largely due to climate change, flooding, herdsmen attack, wars, rural-urban migration, etc.

Each of these factors requires that they be analyzed and solutions provided. The area of youth engagement and industrialization will go together. Gone are the days when you gather youths in a place and share face caps and tell them stories.

Industrialization will form the bedrock for their engagement and employment.

Edo state is ripe for an industrial hub/village with all the resources like energy, road, water, labor, etc facilitated by the government. Manufacturing, assembling, and delivery industries will thrive in an industrial village more thereby creating jobs and prosperity.

What will you do differently to distinguish you from the crowd of constraints?

The government has largely taken the citizens for granted for too long. We have seen government officials carry out unconstitutional acts, negating the rule of law and plundering the lives of ordinary men.

We want a people-oriented government where the constitution is respected and the rule of law is upheld. For instance, should Edo state not have in place a solid local government governance structure?

Apart from denying the citizens the power to choose their leader, the act is unconstitutional and stifles grassroots development. Our people have been made to accept less as the best. We plan to introduce local government reforms that will decentralize power and give the people a sense of belonging in governance.

Gender balancing that has been downplayed will see women take critical roles in our kind of government.

Attention will be given to food, food, and food. A hungry man they say is an angry man. We will take steps to encourage food production and explore the agricultural value chain. Regional associations shall not be limited to politics. A South-South regional development bank to cater to common major infrastructural development will be established especially now that energy/power and rail have been removed from the exclusive list. It is time to explore regional strength instead of waiting for the federal government.

Your message to Edo people?

Edo state is the heartbeat of the nation. The heart is the powerhouse of the body.

The heart has vigour and a vibe.

We have not seen that in Edo in a long while. My charge to the people of Edo state is that; I will make good situations in our State better, I will make better situations best.

And for those situations that have become worse, they will receive a new lease of life and become good.

We shall, together grow the situation in Edo state to be the best. Edo state will become an Educational hub as it used to be, Edo state shall become a medical tourism destination to harness and expose our gynecological, orthopedically, psychiatry, and other ancient medical expertise available in the State.

Edo state shall become a food hub, sports destination, technological hub, city of culture, ancient history, and artifacts destination.

If only I could do all these alone, I would jump in, but that is not feasible. We are in it together. That is why I make this charge and I urge you all, the good people of Edo state to stand up and support me in my aspiration to be the next Governor of Edo state come 2024.

God bless the good people of Edo. God bless Edo land.

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