Eminent Jurist, Amina Augie, Celebrates 70th Birthday in Style  

Despite how little of it we can grasp and control, time is one of the ultimate indicators of human quality. For someone like Justice Amina Augie who is still strong and brilliant at age 70, one can only express admiration. Thus, the recent celebration of her 70th birthday was not without colour or noise as goodwill messages were mobilized from all over Nigeria and beyond.

Justice Augie has shown that a luminary at 70 is far superior to one at 40. Her virtuosity, having won the respect of all and sundry, has even started to eclipse the abilities of her forebears in the courts of law and order. Even now, at the beginning of a ripe old age, Justice Augie can be described as a dazzle, a still-fresh existence inspiring greatness in the hearts of her juniors.

During her birthday celebration event on Saturday, September 3, 2023, Justice Augie’s relatives, friends, associates, and well-wishers made sure to extend goodwill to her. Held at the Abuja International Conference Center, the milestone of clocking 70 as a luminary at law brought many of her peers out of hermitage, casting even more light on Justice Augie’s accomplishments.

Justice Augie is a known figure in Nigeria’s Supreme Court. Appointed as a Supreme Court Justice on November 7, 2016, Augie has only made more impact as the years progressed. Because she was the 6th woman to serve as a Supreme Court Justice in Nigeria, her every step was paid attention to, making her a model of sorts, one that others have unsuccessfully attempted to surpass.

Justice Augie’s legal career can be described in many words: splendorous, superb, and superior to her peerage. Her meritorious contributions are compounded by the tenure of her service. Thus, at 70, she deserves an ocean’s worth of accolades. Thankfully, upon clocking her new age, she got it.

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