Akwa Ibom Clergy Forum Holds Inaugural  Induction, Award Ceremony

Mary Nnah

The Akwa Ibom Clergy Forum (AICLEF) recently held its inaugural induction of members, seminar and award ceremony in Lagos during which ministers in the body of Christ were admonished to continue to uphold the gospel of Christ which is centred on love for one another,  perseverance, commitment exemplary leadership and togetherness in the body of Christ.

They were also admonished to keep propagating the words so that they would not be found wanting on the last day. This admonition was handed down by the President of AICLEF, Pastor Emmanuel Joseph.

The event held at the United Evangelical Church ( Qua Iboe Church) auditorium,  Surulere, had in attendance Superintending Officers of various Christian Denominations and Heads of Religious Institutions as well as Christian faithful from within and outside Lagos.

With the theme, “The Value Of Leadership Structure In The Administration Of Pentecostal Churches In Nigeria”, the AICLEF President said the topic was very apt because some Pentecostal church founders and leaders often apportion many responsibilities to themselves both in the physical and spiritual administration of their different Denominations to the detriment of their health and growth of the ministry.

The guest speaker, His Eminence Dr. Emmanuel Josiah Udofiah who did justice to the theme advised ministers in the body of Christ and Heads of Christian Organisations to endeavour to decentralise responsibilities in their ministries and Organizations for effective leadership and administration.

He disclosed that there is a lot of potential among some of the members that Church leaders need to identify, train and tap from their potential and thereafter give them assignments and responsibilities based on their inherent talents. He stated that when that is done, some of these members will have a  sense of belonging and will meaningfully contribute to the church’s growth.

He told them to always choose loyal, dedicated,  committed and God-fearing members to superintend activities of some of their departments and units for seamless leadership organisation while they (General Overseas) ensure that the original aims of their ministries are not compromised,  which to him,  is the propagation of the gospel of Christ in an undiluted way that should be jealously maintained and sustained.

The second guest speaker, His Lordship Bishop Anietie Etukudo identified the issue of accountability and leadership as the twin issues that could bring down a Christian denomination. He charged them to be sincere to members and be accountable to them in all issues concerning Church leadership and administration.

“Start to search for your successor, train them, put good leadership structure in place and ensure you train committed, dedicated and loyal members to take over from you as you advance in the kingdom work so that there will be obvious and seamless transition of authority of leadership and administration”, he declared.

Thereafter,  members who are found to be worthy Ambassadors of Christ in the kingdom work were Inducted and issued certificates.

Some members of the business and corporate community as well as a professional class whom the  AICLEF president disclosed have assisted the Forum to grow were equally inducted and bestowed with awards.

Some of the ministers in the body of Christ that were inducted included Apostle Raphael Elijah and Evang. Pat Ukwoh, Rev. (Dr)  Helen Sam, Pastor Francis Obukpo, Pastor Abraham Akpabio,  Apostle   David Akpan, Pastor (Dr) Augustus Edet, Apostle Joseph Wilfred, Apostle (Prophet) David Akpan, Pastor Gabriel Moses, Pastor Ukeme Edet, Pastor Gideon Johnson, Apostle Solomon Mensong amongst others.

Those from the Business, Professional and Corporate communities who were Inducted and equally bestowed with Awards included Brig. Gen Isang  Akpanumontia; Mrs Celestina Uki, Dcn. Emmanuel Etuk, Dr Elisha Atai, Barr. ( Mrs) Uto Ukpanah, Elder Daniel Emah, Evang. (Engr.) Albert Inyang,  Dr Chris Mboho, Chief (Engr.) Patrick Anegbe,  Otuekong Ubong Jackson,  Lagos MPM.Cordinator and Mboho Mkparawa Ibibio Lagos Chapter,  which the chapter  President, Akparawa Uwem Idaha stood in and received on their behalf.

Speaking with newsmen shortly after their induction,  Apostle Raphael Elijah of Deliverance Apostolic Gospel Ministry, Lekki who is also the Publicity Secretary of AICLEF said the event was an eye opener to several religious leaders and business owners to put structure in place for effective administration.

He made it known that AICLEF is an umbrella body for all ministers of God from Akwa Ibom State extraction. He appealed to others who are not yet in their fold to join them now and enjoy the numerous benefits attached to membership in the forum.  

Apostle (Prophet) David Akpan of Pillar of Cloud & Fire Church of God, Ikeja stated that the day’s event was significant as he disclosed that he has learnt a lot from the theme discourse as he commended AICLEF leadership for putting the event together.

Apostle Abraham Joseph Wilfred of the Manger Deliverance  International Ministry, Lekki described the event as historic and called for stronger unity amongst the ministers.

Pastor (Dr) Augustus Edet, Rector, World Missionary   Seminary located in Lekki and Chapter Chairman of AICLEF  Eti Osa/Ibeju Lekki urged members to continue in the same unity that he has observed amongst them so that “The gospel of Christ will be preached to the uttermost part of the earth as directed by Christ himself.

He appealed to AICLEF leadership to closely follow its vision, maintain its principles and work together to achieve the purpose for which the forum was formed.

In his closing remark, the AICLEF president, Pastor Emmanuel Joseph thanked the ministers and Christians for turning out en masse to grace the occasion and appealed to them to take the message of the theme home as enunciated by the guest speaker, Dr. Emmanuel Josiah Udofiah and Bishop Anietie Etukudo who he commended for the wonderful dissection on the value of leadership.

The high point of the occasion was the decorations of inductees and awardees with Royal insignia and certificates.

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