Shocker! As New Findings Reveal Many Nigerian Men Are Not Biological Fathers

Nigeria is acclaimed among its peers for many things, from its diverse ethnic groups to the assiduousness of its people. However, given the statistics released by several organisations, Nigeria also ranks as number one in Africa for paternity fraud and number two in the entire world for the same reason. But what does this mean?

A new report has emerged that claims that more than 25% of the men tested for DNA paternity have found that they are not the biological fathers of their children. The report, provided by Smart DNA, one of the most prominent DNA testing centres in Lagos, covers testing sessions conducted between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023, a whole year.

If the report is anything to go by, out of every four fathers, one of them is training a child that is not their own. In other words, one of them is falsely convinced of the paternity of their child(ren). Of course, the data that Smart DNA used for the analysis was collected from individuals residing in Lagos, Oyo, Ogun, and FCT, with the majority from Lagos.

The report has raised waves across the country with many young and idle men wiggling their fingers at their female counterparts and accusing them of being unreliable, even within the sanctity of marriage and intimate relationships. In return, the young and idle ladies defend themselves and others by saying that men are scum, have always been, will always be, and deserve every deception that comes their way.

All of this is on the light side, but the implications are much more dismal and depressing than a rational individual wishes to consider. After all, every father could begin to look at their child(ren), evaluating the features of their face(s) as a way to verify resemblance and paternity. What a horrible life this would be—but this is exactly what the report and its implications portend.

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