India Sees World as One Family, Says EnvoyMichael Olugbode in Abuja

Indian High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mr. Shri Balasubramanian, weekend, in Abuja, at the celebration of Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Day, said his country saw the world as one family.

Balasubramanian said, “The The Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation programme embodies India’s vision of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,” which means “the world is one family.”

According to him, “ITEC, stands as a testament to India’s commitment to nurturing global partnerships and extending a hand of friendship to countries around the world. For over five decades, ITEC has been a conduit for knowledge sharing, capacity building, and mutual growth. It exemplifies the spirit of South-South cooperation and embodies the principles of equality, solidarity, and mutual respect among nations.

“Today, we come together to celebrate a significant occasion, the ITEC Day, a day that underscores the deep bonds of friendship and cooperation that India shares with its partner countries, including Nigeria. It is an honour for me, as the Indian High Commissioner in Nigeria, to stand before you and address this gathering on this auspicious day.

“ITEC serves as a powerful tool for forging partnerships and building bridges between nations. It promotes people-to-people interactions, cultural exchanges, and a deeper understanding of each other’s traditions and values.

“The Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme, is the leading capacity building platform of the Ministry Of External Affairs, Government of India.  Instituted in 1964, ITEC is one of the oldest institutionalised arrangements for international capacity building having trained more than 200,000 officials from 160+ countries in both the civilian and in the defence sector.”

The envoy further stated that, “ITEC is about cooperation and partnership for mutual benefit. It is response-oriented, and it addresses the needs of developing countries. India possesses rich experience in the field of economic development as well as manpower skills and technology suited to the geographical and ecological conditions of partner countries.

“The professionals and people from ITEC partner countries are offered unique training courses in different centres of excellence in India which empower them with not just professional skills but prepare them for an increasingly globalized world. The training Programme is demand-driven, and subjects selected are of interest to partner countries for their working professionals on a wide range of skills and disciplines.

“Building on India’s vast and rich network of governance- and development-related expertise available in higher educational institutions and training facilities, ITEC offers nearly 10,000 fully-funded in-person training opportunities through nearly 400 courses offered at 100+ eminent institutes in India each year.

“The ITEC programme is fully funded by the Government of India. All expenses related to training programmes such as course fees, living allowance, book allowance, study tours, emergency medical assistance as well as return air fares are borne by the Government of India.”

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