Sonny Iroche argues for a regulatory framework to ensure responsible use

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative technology with the potential to revolutionize various sectors, including medical care, legal services, education, and scientific innovation. The benefits of AI are not limited to individual productivity but also extend to the overall growth of economies. Recognizing the significance of AI, the Chinese government has implemented a regulatory framework to ensure its responsible and ethical use.

As a preemptive measure, prior to the proliferation of the use of AI for mischief and unethical purposes, it is very crucial for the federal government to commence without delay, the establishment of a similar regulatory framework to harness the potential benefits of AI while addressing potential challenges.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to bring profound benefits to Nigeria, improving various sectors and enhancing productivity. However, to ensure responsible and ethical use, the federal government should establish a regulatory commission similar to that of China, that would be charged with the following responsibilities: One,     ensuring ethical Use of AI.

The implementation of a regulatory framework will enable the Nigerian government to ensure the ethical use of AI. This framework can include guidelines and standards that govern the development, deployment, and use of AI systems. By setting ethical boundaries, the government can prevent the misuse of AI technology, such as the creation of deepfake videos or the dissemination of false information.

For example, the Chinese government has established regulations that require AI companies to obtain licenses for certain applications, such as facial recognition technology. This ensures that AI systems are used responsibly and in compliance with privacy and security standards.

Two, protecting citizens’ privacy: AI systems often rely on vast amount of data to function effectively. Therefore, it is crucial to protect citizens’ privacy and personal information. The Nigerian government can establish data protection laws and regulations that require AI companies to obtain consent from individuals before collecting and using their data.

China has implemented the Personal Information Protection Law, which provides guidelines for the collection, storage, and use of personal information by AI companies. Similar legislation in Nigeria would safeguard citizens’ privacy and build trust in AI systems.

Three, promoting research and development: A regulatory framework can also foster research and development in AI. By providing clear guidelines and support, the Nigerian government can encourage investment in AI technologies and innovation. This will not only benefit the economy but also promote scientific advancements and technological breakthroughs.

China’s regulatory framework includes policies that support AI research and development, such as funding initiatives and tax incentives. Nigeria can adopt similar measures to attract investment and nurture a thriving AI ecosystem.

Finally, artificial intelligence has the potential to bring profound benefits to Nigeria, improving various sectors and enhancing productivity. However, to ensure responsible and ethical use, the federal government should establish a regulatory framework similar to that of China. This framework should focus on ensuring ethical use, protecting citizens’ privacy, and promoting research and development. By implementing such a framework, Nigeria can harness the potential of AI while safeguarding its citizens and fostering innovation.

 Iroche is 2022/2023 Senior Academic Visitor,

African Studies Centre, University of Oxford

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