Clinton Initiative Partners Commit to Address Unmet Needs of 1.8 Billion Adolescents Globally

Chiemelie Ezeobi in New York

As part of the Clinton Global Initiative 2023 Meeting, 10 global players yesterday, joined Fondation Botnar in making decisive commitments to support and address the unmet health and wellbeing needs of 1.8billion adolescents globally.

The commitments were designed to address pressing challenges faced by adolescents and young people including digitalisation, urbanisation, and climate change and to drive collaboration ahead of the Global Forum for Adolescents in October.

According to the partners, the adolescents already represents a third of the world, yet they were being left out of discussions and decision-making, leaving them increasingly disconnected from the generation in charge.

They further noted that today, these transformations have introduced significant challenges, including an increased risk of mental health issues, exposure to violence, and disparities in access to essential resources, which need to be urgently addressed.

Commenting from the event, Stefan Germann, CEO of Fondation Botnar, said: “The adolescents of today are the first generation to have grown up in a digital world and with an acute consciousness of the transformations our world is facing.

“If we don’t engage them now, we are wasting an opportunity to create a world that is fit for the future. This is a unique opportunity for actors from various sectors to unite in a common mission and deliver a strong action plan at the upcoming Global Forum for Adolescents in October 2023.”

Despite progress made over the past decades in poverty reduction, mortality rates, and education access, adolescents’ health and wellbeing continue to be underserved and unequal. Adolescents have often been a “missing population” in global health priorities, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The private sector and philanthropic players present at the event have joined Fondation Botnar, who already committed $45 million to enhance adolescent health and wellbeing, through initiatives such as making cities safe for adolescents, fostering safe digital environments, and improving mental health and wellbeing.

Other organisations making commitments include FIA Foundation, UNICEF & Generation Unlimited, Surgo Health, Pivotal Ventures, & MTV Entertainment Studios.

With over five years of strategic investment, Fondation Botnar has established a solid position and technical expertise in these areas, working closely with partners at global and country levels and collaborating with young people to create positive and lasting change in communities.

Also, Fondation Botnar charged all the partners to build on these initial commitments and continue the work beyond New York, especially with The Global Forum for Adolescents, hosted by The Partnership for Maternal Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH)  on October 11 and 13, 2023, which is a critical opportunity to mobilise more commitment to adolescent health and well-being.

Board Chair of the PMNCH, Helen Clark added: “What is needed is multi-sectoral action. UNGA 78 is a historic chance for leaders to prioritise health and well-being.

“Building on this momentum, we are looking forward to hosting the Global Forum for Adolescents in October to bring together youth and adolescents, advocates, and global decision-makers to take action and strengthen financing and policy commitments to this important issue.”

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