Greensprings School Unveils 2023/2024 Session Theme

As schools resume for a new academic session this September, Greensprings School Lagos has announced its new year theme as ‘IGNITE #Deeperholisticlearning’.

Executive Director, Mrs. Lai Koiki, unveiled the theme at the annual in-service training (INSET) held at the school’s Lekki campus.

Deputy Director of Education, Mrs. Feyisara Ojugo, said the school’s focus for the 2023/2024 session is to intensify initiatives introduced in the last school year; therefore, the new theme is aimed at consolidating the last year’s. 

She said, “The theme was inspired by how far we were able to go last year with our ‘Future Ready #DrivenByValue’ theme. We introduced a number of initiatives in the previous school year, like coding in all class categories, Value-Based Education (VbE), Nigerian Languages in Preschool, the establishment of Centers of Excellence on different campuses and a host of others. 

“As we dug into each aspect, it became clear to us that there was still more depth to go, particularly in the production of tangibles to showcase our students’ learning. This inspired the new school year’s theme to deepen our holistic educational approach.”

In her statement, some of the areas the school plans to deepen learning include extending coding classes to involve building robots and tangible projects through a partnership with

“Greensprings School, as a Thinking School, is very much invested in the personal and professional development of its staff. This is one of the reasons we organized our annual INSET, which avails our workforce the opportunity to undergo different educational workshops,” Ojugo explained. “We will continue to increase the capacity of our staff through relevant training and provide the necessary resources to support all the different areas.”

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