Rotary Club of Eko Atlantic Installs Sadananda Melanta 5th President 

Bennett Oghifo

Eko Atlantic, an upscale all-inclusive city spread on the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean, has its own Rotary Club that plans to raise more than ₦140 million to support a range of projects. 

Last Saturday, the Rotary Club of Eko Atlantic held its official installation ceremony, presenting Rotarian Sadananda Melanta as its 5th President. This event also marked the inauguration of the club’s board for the 2023/2024 Rotary year and served as a fundraising opportunity for various projects.

The Rotary Club of Eko Atlantic, is within Rotary International District 9110, Nigeria, and it is one of the dynamic parts of a network comprising over 150 clubs spanning Lagos and Ogun states.

Notably, this club has consistently undertaken significant and impactful initiatives, including substantial contributions to the Rotary Foundation. This year, their ambitious goal is to raise more than ₦140 million to support a range of projects. These initiatives encompass the establishment of a kidney dialysis center, sponsorship of cataract eye surgery for 200 patients, provision of 200 hearing aids for the deaf, distribution of artificial limbs, donation of 50 wheelchairs, engagement in mental health campaigns and treatment, organization of Blood Donation Camps, and assistance in child patient heart operations in India, among other commendable endeavours.

The event was graced by distinguished guests, including District Governor Rotarian *Ifeyinwa Ejezie* , the leader of all Rotarians in Rotary District 9110, Nigeria. She commended the Rotary Club of Eko Atlantic for pioneering the tradition of hosting installation ceremonies on a cruising yacht—a historic achievement, which is the first in the history of Rotary International worldwide. District Governor Ejezie encouraged the club to continue championing Rotary’s mission of global goodwill and extended her congratulations and support to the newly inaugurated president.

Among the attendees were esteemed individuals such as District Governor-Elect Rotarian Femi Adenekan, Past District Governor Bola Oyebade, the Club’s Doyen Rotarian Sanjeev Tandon, Charter President Rotarian Dr. Sunit DeBroy, the club’s second president Rotarian Vinod Kaurani, the third President Rotarian Mamta DeBroy, and the Immediate Past President and fourth President Rotarian GOC Dada.

The event drew a diverse crowd, including Rotarians, friends of Rotary, and even non-Rotary members. It was a day filled with delectable food and beverages, all enjoyed against the splendid backdrop of a cruising yacht, creating an unforgettable experience for all in attendance.

Welcoming distinguished members and guests, Rtn Sadananda Melanta, HOPE President, Rotary Club of Eko Atlantic, said, “Rotary Club of Eko Atlantic is the first international multicultural and cross-national club of Rotary International District 9110. Special recognition to our district Governor district 9110, Rotarian Ifeyinwa Rita Ejezie.”

Rtn Sadananda Melanta said, “As I step into this position and take charge, I am aware of the legacy that our club carries —A legacy of Strong Leaderships, Unwavering Commitment to the Rotary ideals of “Service Above Self” and a tireless dedication towards making our community a better place.”

He said, “The theme for this Rotary year, “Create Hope in the World,” as chosen by Rotary International President Gordon R. McInally, deeply resonates with our unwavering commitment to “Service Above Self.” It serves as a poignant reminder that through our compassion, generosity, and the selfless sharing of our time, talents, and resources, we can accomplish remarkable feats in alleviating the needs of the underprivileged.

“In District 9110, Our Rotary Club of Eko Atlantic, is renowned for its vibrant meetings, joyful spirit, and impactful projects. I assure you that we shall continue these traditions while we zero in on our core priorities.

“It is in this spirit of joy and camaraderie that we host this unique installation ceremony, one that promises pure delight. Perhaps history will bear witness to this being the first Rotary installation held onboard a Boat Cruise – an Official event coupled with a sail through the Lagos waters of the Atlantic Ocean,enchanting views, gentle breezes, lively music,deleciuos cuisine and exquisite wines. And as we savor this moment, let us not forget that this gathering also serves to raise funds for impactful projects.

“I must take this moment to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Planning Committee of this extraordinary installation ceremony, spearheaded by our Dynamic President Elect, Rtn. Suresh Nayak and comprising our esteemed Past Presidents, Board and Distinguished Members who have brought out their best to ensure the success of this remarkable event. I say thank you.

“For this Rotary year, our focus is on a few major critical areas: Membership Development and Retention: Fortifying our Rotary family; Public Image: Amplifying our presence and reputation in the community; Projects and Fundraising: Expanding our efforts to leave a lasting impact; The Rotary Foundation: Upholding the global mission of Rotary; The Family of Rotary: Cultivating a sense of belonging and unity; Club Training and Leadership: Equipping our members for excellence; Youth Programmes: Empowering the leaders of tomorrow; Health and Education: Investing in the well-being and future of our community; Club Service and Administration: Ensuring the seamless operation of our club.

“These areas seamlessly align with Rotary’s seven areas of focus, and we have laid ambitious plans to bring about meaningful change through a diverse array of projects, including but not limited to: Establishing a Kidney Dialysis Center to start with 3 Machines; Initiatives for Plastic & Waste Segregation & Recycling Project with LAWMA; Provision of Artificial Limbs for handicapped person through Tolaram ISHK Project; Project Ominira for empowerment and School Bag Distribution to promote education; And continuing with previous projects such as Establishing a Coconut Plantation for sustainable agriculture and Environment; Cataract Eye Surgery and Ear Deafness interventions; Blood Donation drives; Maternity & Child Health support; Skill Development & Basic Safety training; Global Wash Project to ensure access to clean water; Mental Health awareness and support; Provision of Wheelchairs & Medical Equipment; Continued commitment to Polio Eradication and Vaccination; Supporting RYLA, Interact, and Rotaract Programmes; Organising Medical Health Checkup Camps; Facilitating International youth exchange Programme.”

These projects, he said, symbolise their collective commitment to making a substantial impact, with a total financial commitment of over N150,000,000. All these projects will not be possible without the sponsorship support from various corporates especially we want to recognize our major Sponsors of the forthcoming Services projects are Tolaram Group, Kewalram Chanrai group and Sana Group of companies.

As Rotarians, it is our solemn duty to nurture hope where it is most needed, to reach out to the marginalized & vulnerable, and to lead the way in embodying the Rotary legacy of “Service Above Self.”

He said, “Let us always remember that we are not merely giving from our abundance; we are giving of ourselves with renewed zeal. Together, we shall forge hope in the world, armed with the knowledge, skills, and resources at our disposal.

“At this moment, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessings that have led us to this juncture. With your unfaltering support and unwavering dedication, I am in my belief that this year shall be marked by monumental achievements. Together, let us embark on this voyage of service, fellowship, and hope, as we continue to construct a better world for all.

“Thank you, and may we all serve with hearts brimming with hope and a spirit deeply rooted in Rotary principles.”

He said, “We are highly honoured by the support of His Excellency Mr Chandramouli Karn, Head of Chancellery, office of Indian High Commission Lagos who is unfortunately not here today as travelled out of the country.

“Our Honorary Members have stood along with us on every occasion and supported us, special mention to them; Hon Member – Rtn Mohan Vaswani ji, Chairman Tolaram Group; Hon Member – Rtn Prince Adelusi Adeluyi, The first ever District Gov of RID 9110; Hon Member – Rtn Siva Subramanian, Group Managing Director, Kewalram Chanrai Group; Hon Member – Princess Rasheedat Abiodun, Executive Chairperson, Eti Osa Local Government.

“I would like to recognise and give my appreciation to: Our Past Assistant Governor Rtn. Chief Sanjeev Tandon, MPHF; The Charter President and Present Assistant Governor Rtn. Dr. Sunit Debroy, MPHF; Our immediate Past President Rtn Vinod Kaurani MPHF and Rtn Mamta Debroy, Major Donor; Immediate Past President Rtn GOC Bada, PHF; President Elect and Chairman installation Committee Rtn Suresh Nayak, PHF; All our Past Dist. Governors and Asst. Governors who graced their presence here; Dist. Governor Nominee – Rtn Wole Kukoyi district 9111 and Rtn Lanre Adedoyin district 9112; District Secretary Rtn.Adewale Abdul. 

“Special thanks to our Sponsored Club Rotary Club of Banana Island President Rtn Bhushan Salgar and their members and also Rotary Club of Anna Nagar Madras, India Dist. 3125.”

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