Power-drunk Obaseki Humiliates Shaibu

Edo State continues to take the medal for being the most controversial state in terms of underhand political schemes. This comment comes at a time when a deputy governor would be locked out of their office without prior announcement. Looking absolutely embarrassed but having no place to hide his face, Philip Shaibu is the actor in this story, leaving the place of the villain to be none other than his boss, Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki.

The spectacle described in these pages took place on September 19, 2023. That happy Monday morning transformed into a Nollywood film set as Shaibu found himself barred from his official premises. After several attempts to reach out to relevant authorities, Shaibu reportedly found out that he had been relocated to another office and consequently unauthorised to use the one he appeared before.

Observing the pictures of Shaibu standing outside the locked offices, one might be overwhelmed by pictures of a schoolboy late for classes and in the process of being punished. Except that this is a deputy governor. This has thus led onlookers to praise Obaseki for downsizing his deputy beyond recognition, akin to donning Shaibu in a clown’s costume and placing a large cardboard in front of him with the words, “Laugh!”

Indeed, fingers from all over have begun to point at Obaseki, accusing him of being power drunk. The reactions are particularly strong because many had assumed that Obaseki and Shaibu had buried the hatchet for the sake of their people. Alas, this assumption does not hold water any longer.

But is this how it will end? Will Shaibu remain the underdog in this story? Will Obaseki be the utmost victor? Time will tell.

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