Firm Launches Multi-functional, Time, Money-saving Zipper Tool

Sunday Okobi

A fashion and jewelry company in Lagos, Crafties Hobby-Craft Limited, has unveiled fashion style -enabled and zipper-assist product, ZIPME, which it described as a multi-purpose piece of Jewelry, which removes the dependence on others and allows a woman to zip up without assistance.

At the launch of the gender-sensitive product recently at Fashion Souk by Eventful in Lagos recently, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the firm, Mrs. Oluseyi Abdullahi, told THISDAY that since many women need assistance to zip up their dressing, the revolutionary tool (ZIPME) would enable every woman to do her zip by herself as easy as possible.

Abdullahi, who is also the creative force behind Zilman Jewelry, described her innovation, the ZIPME, as a liberating tool, and a time and money saver specifically for women. She said the product does not only help women to zip up their clothes unaided saving them from many embarrassing situations, it is actually a fine piece of jewelry that can be worn as a necklace and also serves as a belt.

The entrepreneur stated that she has been organising craft workshops and training for over 20 years, adding that her company is committed to empowering and supporting people in their quest for creativity; hence, Crafties is known as “the hub for creative expressions”.

According to her, “I believe we can use our hands to make beautiful things here in Nigeria. Crafties teaches that beauty must be evident in hand made things and encourage the making of beautiful, well finished items.

“Many women need assistance with their zip when dressing up but that is now a thing of the past, as this revolutionary tool is an innovation that enables every woman to do her zip by herself, thereby saving them time and money.”

While narrating to THISDAY how she discovered this innovative idea to create the tool, the Crafties Hobby-Craft Limited boss said: “For many years and until recently I could not zip up my dress by myself. However I inadvertently injured my left shoulder while trying to free a zip that was stuck. I was in so much pain and I lost the flexibility I had in the shoulder as a result. I had to rely on my husband to help with my zip for weeks and when he was away, my son could help. One day, both of them were away, and I had to leave home with my zipper undone. At my destination, I called on the first woman I saw passing by the car to help me.”

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