Firm Holds  Claims  Management Advocacy  Conference 

Carefirst Consult, a  claims management company, will hold its 2023 Claims Advocacy Conference in Lagos.

This year’s edition of the conference, the second in the series has the theme: ‘Understanding Insurance in all work of life Beyond Claims Payment’.

The conference organiser and Founder of  Carefirst Consult, Mr. GUS Wiggle said the  event would gather various stakeholders in insurance, telecoms, oil & gas, etc to deliver a new experience for uninsured victims of accidents, policyholders, insurance companies and corporate institutions.

He said  the event would hold on October 5th 2023 at the Nigerian insurers Association, ( NIA), Banquet hall Victoria Island, Lagos.

According to Wiggle, Stakeholders expected at the conference are underwriters, Insurance Brokers, Loss Adjusters, Agents, Insurance Managers in Oil & Gas, Telecoms, Aviation, Construction, Banking and Manufactures and Pharmaceutical etc

Others are Agricultural farm owners, Small and Medium Scale Business Owners, Regulators, Individual insurance consumers, among others. 

Wiggle, listed  topics to be discussed at the conference as what insurers do when claims are not reported, claims as the best teacher in Insurance, why documentation  is critical for claims and life after claims .

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