Nigeria Deserves Good Leadership to Achieve Greatness, Says Senate

Sunday Aborisade in Abuja

Senate yesterday declared that it has been so far , so fair for the country in its journey of nationhood .

The red chamber noted that the lofty ideas and ideals held by its foremost leaders at independence, had yet to be fully attained.

The Chairman , Senate Committee on Media and Public Affairs , Senator Yemi Adaramodu ( APC Ekiti South),stated this in Abuja.

He said the success of Nigeria in her journey of nationhood in the last 63 years , far outweighs its failures.

He, however, said the country needs to get leadership issue more correctly for the required acceleration in the journey of nationhood.

The Senate spokesperson said: “The past of Nigeria like those of other countries or anything or persons, cannot be perfect but its future is very bright.

“Having survived her turbulent past , what Nigeria requires now from both leaders and the led , is patriotism which can only be driven by positive mind set of every Nigerian to the Nigeria Project .

“ Re-orientation is key for all , in  doing the right thing at all times in whatever

capacity and not the wrong things. Followership determines quality of leadership in any country or society, the very reason Nigerians , need to make their leaders , accountable to them by not demanding for stomach infrastructure as against good governance .

“When followers are upright and asking for accountability at all levels of governance, the leaders will surely sit up   and the society would be better for it , in terms of genuine development .

“From the Senate, it is a big congratulations to Nigeria and Nigerians on the 63 years of independence and Nationhood journey which by all indices and realities on ground; is a country to reckon with in Africa and the world .

“The  Eagle ( Nigeria) will surely keep flying  and flying higher without her  wings,  clipped in any way, “ he said .

He added that since the country is divinely exempted from natural disasters, the human invented ones like insurgency , consequential kidnapping etc , would be things of the past in no distant time , since government is working round the clock to rid the society of  criminal elements.

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