For Sholape Seriki, the Pain is Over

Life can be an endless stream of heart-stirring moments one instant and transform into billows of sadness and grief in the next. This is something that Princess Sholape Demola-Seriki, the wife of the late Chief Ademola Seriki, understands. But the pain is nearing its end for her, and the sun has begun to shine.

Princess Sholape is in a positive mood at this time. For those who pay close attention to her movements, it has been a while since the elegant lady opened up her heart to feel the stirring of the flowers and harbour the blessings of happiness. But this is one of the advantages of birthdays, each one reminding us of a future uncharted and a past unreachable.

Indeed, it is the first birthday celebration for Princess Sholape since the demise of her husband. Formerly heartbroken at his passage, the elegant lady could not summon up the courage to peer at the same world she used to see through her husband’s eyes. However, time heals some wounds and reduces the pain for others.

By every indication, Princess Sholape’s case is the latter. After all, it has been almost a whole year since the prominent politician, businessman, teacher, and public administrator left this side of life for the other. Agitating the emotions of Nigerians everywhere, the former Ambassador of Nigeria to Spain left a gap that could not be filled by any other person in the life of his wife, Princess Sholape.

But the Demola-Seriki family is fortunate that Princess Sholape is no ordinary woman. Although it cannot be said that she is entirely free of the shadows of her late husband’s absence, it is clear that she has braced herself to experience life anew. In her own words, it was a choice between making substance of the situation or breaking.

For Princess Sholape, birthdays are a reminder that there is still colour to this life.

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