Siju Iluyomade Celebrates Mum at 90

It will be a glorious moment as Dr Siju Iluyomade, the convener of Arise Women draws the high and mighty in Nigeria and beyond to celebrate the 90th birthday of her mother on Monday, October 2, 2023.

The British-trained nonagenarian, Mrs Henrietta Adejumo, who has been a source of inspiration to many since her active days, will be celebrated memorably at the epoch-making event, with family, friends, clergymen, top business and government functionaries in attendance at the banquet hall of the prestigious Eko Hotel & Suite, Victoria Island, Lagos.

The reception will be preceded by a church service at the Cathedral Church of Christ, Marina.

The hardworking Mrs Adejumo is noted for her gesture in providing healthcare centres and exceptional healthcare services in factories during her active days.

This indelible trait of hers is exemplary of her daughter, Iluyomade, whose all-round efforts in contributing to the development of Nigeria, through several humanitarian schemes, are also noteworthy.

Mrs. Adejumo’s love for creating accessible healthcare for the less privileged was passionate. Her efforts also ensured good parenthood, especially for women by taking her campaign to the marketplace to educate more people, thereby preventing maternal death, stillbirth and loss of newborns.        

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