NHIA Sign Medicine Supply Agreement With Local Manufacturers

Onyebuchi Ezigbo in Abuja

The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Pharmaceutical manufacturers and Drug Management Organisations (DMOs) in a bid to empower local manufacturers and guarantee medicine security in Nigeria.

Speaking at the signing of the agreement on NHIA Medicines Supply Initiative (NMSI), Director General of NHIA, Prof. Nasir Sambo, said the initiative wouldnot encourage local manufacture of medicine but could guarantee its quality and efficacy.

He also said part of the plan was to reduce the cost of medicines especially that of intravenous fluids by as much as 50% of the current market price.

Sambo said as part of its  “rebranding agenda”, NHIS had held meetings with the local pharmaceutical manufacturers and companies, with the aim of finding solutions to out-of-stock syndrome bedeviling the healthcare system.

“As a follow-up to the engagement, I inaugurated the NHIA Medicines Supply Committee on 19 February 2020. The Committee submitted its report in June 2020 and adopted branding of NHIA medicines and other health products as the way to go in order to eradicate out-of-stock syndrome as well as ensuring the quality of its medicines.

“It also recommended the setting up of an implementation committee to bring the initiative to fruition.”

Sambo further  pointed out that that the initiative of branding NHIA medicines and other health products was to facilitate the supply of affordable, acceptable, accessible, available and quality medicines and other health products.

“The initiative is to enhance the production of high-quality medicines that will inspire the confidence of users. In order to bring this initiative to fruition on August 18%, 2020, inaugurated the medicines supply implementation Committee. The Committee had its inaugural meeting on 224 of September, 2020,” he said.

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