Foundation Advocates for Social Inclusion and Decriminalization of Suicide in Nigeria

… Urged Government to Integrate Mental Health Services into Primary Health Care

The founder of the Mental Health Ditty Foundation, Dr. Adedotun Esan, has called for the integration of mental health services into primary healthcare.

Dr. Esan, speaking during the foundation’s inaugural symposium, emphasized the need to provide tailored mental health support for women, men, and children to cope with daily life challenges and manage emotions.

During the symposium themed “Achieving Social Inclusion through Community Kindness,” Dr. Esan, who has battled mental health issues, stated, “I can relate to anyone going through such circumstances and provide the necessary help. If not, individuals can be referred to appropriate places to receive adequate help.”

In an exclusive interview with THISDAY, Dr. Esan stressed the importance of government involvement and public awareness in mental health issues.

She applauded the recent enactment of a Mental Health Act, signed by the former president, as a significant step in the right direction. She remarked, “This is becoming a priority for the government, and we hope this momentum continues.”

Esan also urged the government to decriminalize suicide attempts in Nigeria, advocating for a more compassionate approach to individuals in distress. She added, “Let us give them help and not put them behind bars because that will cause more problems for them.”

Addressing the barriers faced by those suffering from mental health issues, Dr. Oyelohunnu Motunrayo, a psychiatric consultant and panelist, highlighted biases at individual and family levels, societal practices, and government policies as major obstacles. She emphasized the importance of empathy, acceptance, and inclusivity in addressing these challenges.

With World Mental Health Day approaching on October 10th, Dr. Esan called for the inclusion of diverse voices in shaping mental health policies, recognizing Nigeria’s existing policies and the need for effective implementation to improve people’s lives.

Report by Ayo Àjàyí in Abuja

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