Expert Calls for Scientists’ Oversight in Laboratory Planning, Construction

Experts are seeking a paradigm in laboratory planning and construction, calling for a more prominent role for scientists in the design process. 

Traditionally, architects, engineers and project managers have taken the lead in lab construction, but a growing consensus suggests that scientists should play a central role in shaping the future of their workspaces.

The Managing Director of Finlab Group, Mr. Uzo Nwaije Jnr. argued that “scientists understand their research needs better than anyone else. They are intimately familiar with the intricate requirements of their experiments, the safety protocols, and the equipment necessary for success. As a result, they are uniquely positioned to provide insights that can optimize laboratory functionality and safety.”

He said the call for scientist-driven design is gaining traction in academic institutions and private research organisations. 

“In recent years, collaborative efforts between scientists and architects have resulted in state-of-the-art research facilities that seamlessly integrate form and function,” he said. 

Nwaije noted that architects and builders, who once operated independently, are now collaborating closely with scientists to incorporate cutting-edge features, energy-efficient designs, and flexible spaces that can adapt to evolving research needs.

Moreover, he said safety considerations are paramount and involving scientists in the design phase ensures that laboratories are equipped with the latest safety measures, protective equipment, and emergency response protocols.

He said the shift towards scientist-led lab design is a win-win situation, benefiting researchers and the public. He pointed out that “it not only enhances the quality of scientific research but also fosters innovation and discoveries that can have a far-reaching impact on society.”

He added that the changing landscape of laboratory design brings to the forefront a simple yet powerful principle that scientists are best suited to plan and design the spaces where they work. 

“By giving them a seat at the design table, we are fostering an environment where groundbreaking discoveries can thrive,” Nwaije said. 

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