Nkiru Olumide-Ojo: Proving Her Mettle

Great things are always in the offing for the most diligent individuals. Among such individuals in Nigeria, Nkiru Olumide-Ojo ranks as a leading professional in communications, finance, and other arms of the corporate gargoyle. Currently, she has been included as the keynote speaker for the FinTribe Finance Fair, to be attended by more than 4,000 women.

The FinTribe Finance Fair is an arrangement for women. The goal is to help them actualize their financial dreams, reaching heights never before imagined. For this, FinTribe’s founder and chief, Jennifer Awirigwe, has gotten Olumide-Ojo and a few others to help their target audience understand the dynamics of finance.

Those familiar with Olumide-Ojo’s work will not find this opportunity outside of expectations. There are fewer people more qualified to vitalize Nigerian women to reach for higher financial freedom and might than Olumide-Ojo. Even so, it is a matter of fact that Olumide-Ojo loves such platforms, believing them to be the launching pad for the actualization of her dreams: empowering women and championing their rights.

Olumide-Ojo has been a voice for women in Nigeria for a long time. Her 2017 book, “Pressure Cooker: Lessons from a Woman at Work” has helped women a great deal, letting them maintain their grace even while sweating to achieve their dreams.

Without question, great things are going to be heard during the FinTribe Finance Fair to be held at the Oriental Hotel’s grand ballroom on Saturday, October 14, 2023. Olumide-Ojo is going to come through once again for women in Nigeria, proving her mettle.

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