Group Tasks NAHCON CEO to Work with State Agencies, Operators Ahead of 2024 Hajj

Ahmad Sorondinki in Kano

A Civil Society Organisation (CSO), the Independent Hajj Reporters (IHR), yesterday called on NAHCON Chairman, Jalal Arabi, to work in harmony with the state Pilgrims Boards and Agencies and Tour Operators to see to the successful registration of pilgrims and the implementation of the road map to Hajj 2024.

IHR in a statement signed yesterday by its National Coordinator, Malam Ibrahim Mohammed, made available to journalists in Kano, said the new NAHCON boss must work to implement programmes and policies of the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Hajj and Umrah.

He said as a retired permanent secretary in the Federal Civil Service, he expected the new NAHCON chairman to put in place a comprehensive and sustainable hajj policy by working with the state pilgrim boards and hajj operators ahead of the 2024 Hajj.

Mohammed in the statement said: “As a seasoned civil servant, the new NAHCON helmsman comes onboard with a technocratic experience which we believe will come to bear as he assumes duty.

“We urged the new chairman to immediately mobilise the needed tools to launch a massive public enlightenment to educate 2024 intending pilgrims on the short time available for registration for the 2024 hajj pilgrimage with emphasis on states to queue in for maximum reach.”

The statement identified with the newly appointed chairman of NAHCON, and urged him to hit the ground running by continuing where the last board stopped.

The group demanded that NAHCON “should ensure prompt registration of intending pilgrims and engagement of capable service providers for Hajj 2024.”

IHR, while commending the immediate-past board of the commission for doing well despite numerous challenges, it particularly paid tribute to the Zikirullah Kunle Hassan board for the take-off of the Hajj Savings Scheme and the Hajj Institute of Nigeria.

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