Ecovis Leaders Harp on ESG Reporting for Sustainable Business

Ecovis International, a global advisory firm has harped on the role of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) report in sustainable business practices.

This was the highlight of Ecovis Global Partners conference held in Toronto, Canada.

Attended by key figures in the Ecovis group worldwide the event was themed around ESG reporting and the potential for accountants to play a pivotal role in driving positive change, offering insights into sustainable business practices.

“As the world continues to grapple with environmental, social, and governance challenges, this conference served as a shining example of how experts and leaders can come together to drive positive change and build a sustainable future.

“Participants at the event joined forces to deliberate on the future of ESG reporting and its impact on global businesses.

“With an increasing emphasis on corporate responsibility and sustainability, the conference addressed crucial aspects of ESG reporting. It served as a platform to encourage greater participation of accountants in promoting sustainable practices within the business world,” a statement from the organisation explained.

President of Ecovis International, Kay Friedrich Thomsen, emphasised that “ESG reporting is not just a trend but a critical tool for fostering a sustainable future. Businesses, big or small, need to integrate ESG principles into their operations, and accountants are at the forefront of driving these positive changes.”

Also, the Managing Partner of Ecovis Nigeria, Andrew Uviase, expressed the significance of ESG reporting within the Nigerian context.

“As Nigeria continues to grow and develop, we need to align our business practices with international ESG standards. It’s not only about compliance but also about seizing the opportunities that sustainable business models can provide,” he added.

While Richard Hoffmann, Member of the Management Board at Ecovis International, pointed out the importance of global collaboration in addressing ESG challenges.

“ESG issues are global, and cooperation among countries and businesses is crucial. Conferences like these facilitate knowledge exchange and inspire innovative solutions.”

The Ecovis Global Partners conference showcased the commitment of key figures in the field of accountancy and business advisory to the cause of ESG reporting.

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