Port Harcourt Grand Celebrates 10 Years of Knightly Soldiering

As Knights of St. John International, KSJI, Port Harcourt Grand rolls out the drums to celebrate 10 years of existence, Blessing Ibunge writes that beyond the fanfare, KSJI is poised to defend the faith through faith deepening programmes

Penultimate week, it was pomp and ceremony in Port Harcourt, as Knights of St. John International (KSJI) and Ladies Auxiliary, Port Harcourt Grand, a family apostolate charged with the defence of the Roman Catholic faith, unveiled its 10th anniversary celebration logo.

The event which took place at Juanita Hotel, Port Harcourt, saw the national leadership of the Order converge on the oil city, was a unique one as it marked the beginning of the celebrations which will last a period of three months. The national leadership was led by the Supreme Subordinate President, Sir Remy Uche and the Supreme Subordinate Ladies Auxiliary President, Noble Lady Chinwe Mgbajiaka.

KSJI Port Harcourt Grand Commandery and Ladies Auxiliary covers; Port Harcourt Diocese, Bomadi Diocese and part of Aba Diocese. Though KSJI is celebrating 10 years in Port Harcourt Diocese, but it came to Nigeria in 1976. It has a membership of over 18,000 Knights and their Ladies in Nigeria. The Order exists in the USA, England, Germany, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, as well as in other African countries like, Kenya, Ghana, Togo, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

In his speech at the unveiling of the anniversary Logo, the Grand President, Sir Emmanuel Okene, who has been honoured with the Papal Knighthood of St. Gregory the Great by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, thanked God for the opportunity afforded the Grand Commandery which he heads, to celebrate. According to him “as we roll out the drums to celebrate, we can only look back, thank God for what he has used us to do as Knights of the Catholic Church, from a humble beginning”.

Before unveiling the 10th anniversary logo, the Grand Commandery had requested Cadets and Juniors (children of Knights) to participate in a logo designing competition and win prizes. First prize N100,000, second prize N70,000, third prize N50,000 and Fourth prize N30,000.

At the end of two weeks, over 35 cadets and Juniors submitted various designs. These designs were then reviewed by a select committee to choose the best design that would suit the mood of the celebration. Finally, Master Macdonald Somtochukwu Aririguzo, won the first prize.

According to the Chairman Port Harcourt at 10 Committee, Noble Innocent Akuvue, the winning logo took into consideration the dominant colours of KSJI; Red which stands for the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist, who is the Patron Saint of KSJI, Blue which is the colour for Mother Mary, and Yellow which is the shining light of the Catholic faith. The Green at the base of the logo represents growth while the half-moon shape of the logo is the banner of Jesus over the faithful.

Master Aririguzo is a 15 years old Senior Secondary School student of Sacred Heart Seminary, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. His parents Sir Isdore and Lady Chinwe Lucy Aririguzo are members of KSJI St. Mary’s Commandery 460, Port Harcourt.

The runners up in the logo competition include Miss Nneoma Eji-Eme Alikor who came second, Master Patrick-Chinemerem Nikechukwu came third, while Master Louis Somtochukwu Ndukwu came fourth. Nonetheless, everyone who entered the logo competition went home with a souvenir.

Responding after winning the prize, Master Aririguzo thanked the Grand President, Sir Okene and the Grand Respected President, Noble Lady Charity Iwuoha and the entire members of KSJI for giving them the opportunity to express their creative talent, stressing that “beyond the prize money, I am happy that my creative work is being used to celebrate this anniversary, and I have also been able to put my talent to use.”

After unveiling the logo, Sir Okene used the opportunity to inform the audience of the entire programme for the 10th anniversary celebration, which includes, the Bishop Camillus Etukudoh Catholic Faith Family Project, a faith and moral advocacy project, which will be sponsored and anchored by KSJI. There will also be a Catechetical Colloquium with the theme “Catechesis as an Essential Process of Evangelization”. In addition, Okene said “we shall also have a 210-man choir in a Choral Classical Hymnal Concert, we shall also have a Golf kitty and end the entire celebration with a thanksgiving to God for bringing us thus, far”.

On his part, the Catholic Bishop of Port Harcourt Diocese, His Lordship, Most Rev Camillus Etukudoh had given his imprimatur to the entire KSJI 10th anniversary celebration, while thanking them for making the content of their celebration spiritual. He further urged them to continue to be catholic gentlemen and be ready to defend the faith by winning more souls for Christ as he commanded in Mathew 28:19 which says “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”

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