Xcellon Capital Admitted to UN Global Compact

Xcellon Capital Advisors (XCA) has been admitted into the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).  The company said in  a letter received  and signed by the UN Secretary General, Antonio Gutierrez, it was stated that XCA is now admitted into the global elite of corporate citizens that are bound by the ideals of pursuing sound corporate charter that encompass several key aspects, that includes Sustainable Development Goals SDGs) to drive business awareness and achieve long-term growth.

Commenting,  the Executive Chairman of Xcellon Capital Dr. Chamberlain Peterside, said: “We welcome the admission and approval by the UN Secretary General, Antonio Gutierrez, and feel quite honored to be accorded such rare privilege. We consider ourselves truly outstanding and standing out in the midst of such an elite group of corporate entities around the world.”

Peterside expressed his company’s strong commitment to live and operate according to the philosophy espoused by the UN Global Corporate Compact.

The UNGC consists of over 17,000 companies around the world with 23,615 participants operating in 167 countries and 62 local network. 

The group was created several years ago on the mandate of the General Secretary to help companies navigate the emerging complex operating ecosystem. The key guiding principles are: Human rights, Labour, Environmentand Anti-corruption. It is expected that all companies admitted into this elite business group must make a commitment to not only abide by but implement such ethos in their business operations to help make the world a better place.

According to the company, its  participation in the UNGC will actively allow  it undertakes  projects to advance the broader development goals of the United Nations, particularly the corporate action to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals such as: Gender Equality (equal representation), Finance and Investment (Establish a corporate financing strategy that is linked to ESG investments and performance, and report on the amount and proportion of such ESG finance), and living wage (100 percent of employees across the organization earn a living wage by 2030). Participation and leadership across all levels of management by 2030; Contribute to a Just transition by taking concrete actions that address social impacts of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures, in partnership with actors such as with workers, unions, communities and suppliers and establish a corporate financing strategy that is linked to ESG compliant financing model, taking cognisance of Environment, Social and Governance factors.

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