Heroic Nigerian Children Win Dufil’s 2023 Scholarship Awards

In a celebration of courage, resilience, and exceptional accomplishments, on October 29th, 2023, Indomie Instant Noodles Nigeria hosted another edition of its annual Heroes Awards, where the bravest and most valiant of young and teenage Nigerians received national recognition and acclaim for heroic displays of humanity.

This year, three exceptional children have emerged as recipients in their respective categories: Social Bravery, Physical Bravery, and Intellectual Bravery.

Helen Emmanuel from Ikot Usong, who stood up and fought for a 13-year-old girl that was molested and impregnated by her father in Akwa Ibom State is awarded as the Social Bravery winner, Happiness Bassey from Ikot Usong, Akwa Ibom State awarded the Physical Bravery winner for stopping her mother from selling her younger brother and to Ferdinand Maumo, a differently-abled child with Spastic cerebral palsy who demonstrated an exceptional understanding of Chess through pattern recognition from Makoko, Lagos State as the Intellectual Bravery winner.

They were picked by a distinguished panel of judges from an initial shortlist comprising 14 children for this year’s edition of the event. They got N1 million each for their heroism.

Group Corporate Communications and Event Manager, Dufil Prima Foods Limited, Mr Tope Ashiwaju, during the presentation of the awards in Lagos, said it was targeted at identifying and rewarding children whose heroic acts touched lives but were often ignored due to their age.

“This event is significant because it is rooted in the recognition of those whose best efforts are very often overlooked by the society. On a daily basis, our beloved Nigerian children perform thousands of heroic acts at great personal risk to themselves. In 2008, we decided to take up the challenge by not only recognising these young heroes, but also providing them scholarship opportunities since their actions have touched lives in their immediate communities and beyond,” he noted.

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