Adebayo Adelabu on Snail Speed over Power Sector Direction

The condition of Nigeria’s economy his making the people to put more pressure on public officials. This is obviously the case with the Minister of Power Adebayo Adelabu, who is now being heavily criticised for appearing to contribute little to the economy. But things might not be as straightforward as they seem.

Adelabu has indeed been in charge of the power sector for two months now. Once believed to be a sound choice for the position, the narrative regarding Adelabu’s suitability for the Minister seat has changed. He is now described in terms indicating mediocrity and deficiency.

The primary cause for the changed narrative regarding Adelabu is his apparent decision to take things slowly. Back in September, he promised to improve Nigeria’s power sector by adding 20,000 megawatts of electricity. But things have remained the same, with Nigeria still struggling with a 4,500mw capacity.

The main issue at hand is that Adelabu has not drafted or presented a blueprint for his declared goal. Had he supplied such policy details to the public, the present narrative about him would be different. But he has not.

Due to this evident pace of work, public commentators are throwing Adelabu under the bus for incompetence and unreliability. Interestingly, a new narrative is emerging in which Adelabu’s failure to propel the power sector forward is on account of his persisting gaze on the Oyo State governorship seat.

Such critics of Adelabu would have him acknowledge that this is a terrible way of life. They would point him at Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, the Minister of Interior. The latter also desired to be governor in Ondo State but has retired from this dream to focus on his ministry. And there is visible progress at the Ministry of Interior.

Adelabu consequently needs to gird up his loins to do his work. Good work is the best launchpad for ambition.

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