Integrating Faith, Leadership within the Dynamic Marketplace Landscape

In a bid to explore strategies deeply rooted in faith that enable individuals and organisations to navigate and thrive amidst the challenges of an ever-changing world, Precious Ugwuzor writes that The Kingdom Summit, recently held its 10th annual economic and leadership conference with a mission to promote the understanding and application of God’s principles in the marketplace

The Kingdom Summit, an annual economic and leadership conference with a mission to promote the understanding and application of God’s principles in the marketplace, recently held at RCCG The King’s Court, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Themed ‘Kingdom Strategies for Thriving in Uncertain Times’, it was targeted at exploring strategies deeply rooted in faith that enable individuals and organisations to navigate and thrive amidst the challenges of an ever-changing world.


The summit which had RCCG The Kings Court, The Oasis and The Institute for Innovation, Integration & Impact USA as conveners, has as its objectives: Raising Godly leaders who will influence the marketplace and society for God and establish kingdom principles in all spheres of the society (Leadership);  Standing consistently for God at work, family, church and in the community, and establishing the Kingdom of God in all facets of a believer’s life (Convergence); and being ethical in purpose and practice, being consistent in actions and words, and conducting business by God’s principles at all times and in all places (Integrity).

Empowering Individuals to Integrate Faith into Life 

According to the organisers, The Kingdom Summit has consistently provided a platform that empowers individuals to integrate their faith into their professional lives, becoming influential leaders who uphold godly values in all aspects of society. 

And over the past decade, The Kingdom Summit has brought together visionaries, thought leaders and entrepreneurs committed to positively impacting their communities and workplaces.

According to one of the hosts, Pastor Ben Akabueze, “this year’s summit was held at a time of great uncertainties domestically and internationally. It is, therefore, fitting that the theme of this Summit is “Kingdom Strategies for Thriving in Uncertain Times.”

While lamenting that the world is yet to fully recover from the destabilising impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, he said the Russia-Ukraine war has exacerbated the energy and food crises. 

“The Israeli-Hamas conflict is likely to worsen these crises. There are several other conflicts around the world which adversely impact global supply chains. 

All these feed to an acute sense of uncertainty in the marketplace. At times like this, we need divine inspiration to navigate these uncertainties,” he added.  

Speakers with Wealth of Experience 

One thing that has stood the summit out is its continuous lineup of eminent speakers who share their invaluable experiences and insights. With 

Pastor Ben Akabueze and Brett Johnson as hosts, The Kingdom Summit has speakers like Apostle Joshua Selman, Oby Ezekwesili, Nathaniel Bassey, Yimika Adeboye, Tola Adeyemi, Jason Fleagle, Miliscent Nnwoka, Kayode Akintemi, Busola Deji-Kurunmi, Yewande Zachaeus, Okey Enelamah, Jumoke Ogundare, Femi Edun and Ayo Mairo-Ese.

These thought leaders provided profound perspectives on integrating faith and leadership within the dynamic landscape of the marketplace.

The Charge 

At the summit, the former Minister of Education, and former Vice President for the World Bank, Dr. Oby Ezekwesili, charged Christians across the country to be competent, knowledgeable and have character.

Speaking on influencing our world for the kingdom: government and leadership Ezekwesili said: “You can’t go into governance without caring about competence. Competence, knowledge and character must be part of a Christian who wants to change and transform society for God.”

In her presentation, Ezekwesili said character is the lasting currency. “Every other currency will go out of fashion some day but what will never go out of fashion is character.”

As a child of God, she emphasised, you must have consistency of character especially when you are in a public place. 

She added: “The greatest thing for a Christian who will work in government is to be the salt and the light. and that light means an absolute desire at all times for transparency.”

Using her experience as a former minister Ezekwesili said: “The purpose of government is to improve the quality of life of the people. God has a blueprint for governance about the way that the people will have everything in terms of welfare and well-being of the people will constantly be taken care of by the people in leadership.”

 “Whether you are a developed country, underdeveloped country or developing country or not, the purpose of the government is the same. It is to improve the quality of life of the people.”

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