How Immigrant Talents Can Foster An Inclusive Global Workforce

By  Victoria Adegoroye

With extensive experience in human resources management, I’ve been fortunate to directly observe the powerful impact of diversity and inclusion in various organizational contexts. At Vesti, where we highly appreciate immigrant talent, I’ve observed how they play a pivotal role in nurturing an inclusive global workforce. These individuals, having migrated from their home countries, bring a wealth of unique skills, experiences, and perspectives. Their diverse backgrounds, encompassing language proficiency, cross-cultural awareness, and professional expertise, offer strategic advantages that not only benefit the company but also enrich the global workforce at large.
In the wake of Vesti’s recent expansions into the United Kingdom, Zambia, and Ghana, the importance of inclusivity in our workplace has never been more apparent. Inclusive practices have encouraged active participation from team members from diverse backgrounds, each contributing their distinct experiences and viewpoints. Immigrant talents, often individuals who have navigated significant challenges, demonstrate exceptional creative thinking and problem-solving abilities. Their knack for creative solutions stems from their experiences of relocating to new countries, where they relied on resourcefulness and adaptability to thrive. This problem-solving acumen catalyzes innovation, particularly in the dynamic and rapidly evolving migration fintech industry.
With their diverse perspectives, immigrant talents can help organizations better serve customers and communities. By sharing their stories, learning from others, and speaking up against bias, immigrant talents can foster a more inclusive global workforce. When employees from varied backgrounds collaborate, they bring many perspectives to the table, igniting creativity and offering fresh solutions to complex challenges. Teams that welcome everyone’s ideas tend to make better decisions. This is because different perspectives prevent everyone from thinking the same way, and it helps in thoroughly considering all the ideas. Additionally, immigrant talents often possess international networks and language proficiency, invaluable assets for expanding an organization’s market reach. They serve as conduits to new markets and customers, pivotal in propelling companies toward global success.
During the 7th Future Investment Initiative (FII) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Mr. Tony O. Elumelu CFR delivered a powerful message on breaking the ‘single story’ narrative and highlighted Africa’s demographic workforce as a global treasure. He emphasized, “…Today in Africa, Nigeria in particular, we have massive immigration of people to Canada, the UK; they support hospitals, they support IT sectors in these countries. How about investing further collectively so that we can develop these workforces so that these workforces become a positive force for the world and not a negative breeding space or ground for extremism?”
By embracing immigrant talents, we go beyond our organization, contributing to a more connected and culturally aware world. This not only shows our dedication to inclusivity but also places us at the forefront of dismantling barriers and fostering global partnerships that lead to extraordinary accomplishments.

– Adegoroye, Head of Human Resources at Vesti, Nigeria, writes from Lagos

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