NNPC Limited Unveils Visionary Roadmap for Nigeria’s Energy Future at NAPE’s 41st Annual Conference

– GCEO, Mele Kyari Articulates NNPC’s Bold Strategies for a Sustainable Oil and Gas Sector

NNPC Limited, under the visionary leadership of its Group CEO, set the stage for transformative discussions at the Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists – NAPE’s 41st Annual Conference. The conference’s theme, “Repositioning the Oil and Gas Industry for Future Energy Dynamics”, echoed the commitment of NNPC Limited to sustainable development and innovation.

The opening remarks, delivered by Group CEO NNPC Limited, Mele Kyari, ably represented by EVP Upstream, Oristsemeyiwa Eyesan, paved the way for insightful discussions. Kyari’s address echoed NNPC’s unwavering commitment to sustainable development and innovation. He acknowledged the challenges facing the industry and emphasized the need for adaptability and leadership in the evolving energy terrain.

“As explorationists, we play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the oil industry,” Eyesan declared, highlighting the dedication, expertise, and relentless pursuit of knowledge within the NNPC team. The speech underscored the industry’s vital role in unlocking new frontiers, discovering reserves, and pushing technological and economic boundaries.

Kyari addressed the limitations of current renewable technologies, emphasizing the need to tackle challenges such as intermittency, predictability, and reliability. The call for addressing cost barriers in the adoption of clean energy, particularly in regions with limited economic resources, resounded strongly in NNPC’s vision for a sustainable energy future.

The NNPC Ltd GCEO emphasised the dynamic nature of energy sources and called for a balanced, complementary energy portfolio. “Recognizing this as a dynamic energy company brings us to the conclusion that all these energy sources are meant to complement one another and not compete,” she asserted.
In the realm of innovation and technology, Eyesan painted a compelling picture of NNPC’s commitment to harnessing advancements. From digitization to artificial intelligence and robotics, she envisioned unprecedented progress in the energy sector.

“Repositioning the oil and gas industry for future energy dynamics requires a collective effort, collaboration, and a shared commitment to sustainable practices,” Eyesan concluded, solidifying NNPC Limited’s dedication to playing a leading role in this transformative journey.

Minister of State for Petroleum Resources (Gas), Hon. O.E. Ekpo, commended NAPE’s efforts while emphasising President Bola Tinubu’s dedication to sustaining the industry.
Executive Secretary of NCDMB, Engr. Simbi Wabote, stressed collaboration, while the CEO of SEPLAT, Mr Roger Brown, urged industry-wide efficiency and integration. The MD of SNEPCO, Mrs. Elohor Aiboni, applauded NAPE’s success and addressed Nigeria’s energy vulnerability.

As discussions unfold at the conference, NNPC Limited’s strong points resonate as a beacon, guiding stakeholders towards collaborative strategies that will shape Nigeria’s oil and gas sector for a dynamic and sustainable energy future.

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