With a Passion for Good Music, Alero is Set on Stamping her Mark on the African Music scene

Vocalist and Songwriter, Alero Music firmly rests her roots in the motherland although raised and born outside of Nigeria. Influenced by music of all genres she constantly evolves her sound but takes ingredients of Soul, Jazz, Afro, Dance and a touch of Rock infusing them together to create her unique sound.

Expressing how she goes about her music she shared that, “My music is always evolving, I can go from soul to rock to folk but this project can be best described as a sweet blend of soul, house and afrobeat. When’s the best time to consume AleroMusic? …You know; when you’re getting ready to step out, and you just need that little ginger or when you want to sweeten up the vibe in a room, that’s the time to hit the play button.”

Alero boasts a unique vocal quality and texture. She has established herself as a multi-layered vocalist capable of singing and performing to a wide range of musical styles; fusing together the musical sensibilities which surround her. Her current project sees the raw soul texture and subtle undercurrent of folk-like tones, sit on the tapestry of heafty Afro beats, rhythmic guitar and some of the sweetest production going.

She also highlighted that so many things inspire her music which could be love, family, the madness of the world, pain, sound, nature, basically anything that triggers a connection.

On how she makes music, she believes one should be true to what inspires you and the story you want to share. “It’s not about jumping on trends. But equally, don’t be too precious about your music. If you’re working with musicians, let them play their take on your vision, working with a producer; let them direct your sound; listen to feedback you can’t always do it alone, you’re not Prince!!! Ultimately, listen to your heart!”

Currently working on a collab project with Producer Ilblacki, Alero assures we are up for some of the sweetest production to come out of West Africa, coupled with soulful vocals and expression from guest artists.

Having travelled extensively and performed in Europe, America and of course the mother land – Africa she is with a 6piece band in Lagos working on new tracks, whilst translating produced music to live music.

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