Moomi’s Final Flight 

Ademola Adedoyin

At 1:20 am this morning, the beat stopped. Moomi, Alhaja Chief Memunat Ahinke Emiloye Adedoyin, First Yeye-Oba of Okeya-Ipo, the vehicle through which I arrived this earthly terrain almost 60 years ago answered the final call. Alhamdulilahi. Mama’s age, given verifiable historical occurrences, is 99. Mama chose to go in the month of my birth, few days to my 60th birthday. 

Mame lived her final days and left us the way she wanted: with abundant love, tender care and much affection from her loved ones.

The episode that resulted in Moomi’s Final exit occurred on Thursday 7th September, when, coming from the toilet, her walking stick slipped, resulting in a fall. The fall resulted in a fracture of her fibula bone, close to the ankle. A fall of that magnitude at that age comes with all grave implications. We were not in doubt that this could be a fatal one, but we were determined to give it our best shot to see how we can get moomi back in good shape.

By the following day, Moomi’s living eldest, the kind hearted soul,  Alhaji Chief Abdulwahab Adeshina Madojutara Amoo Adedoyin left Lagos to take charge of the situation. Stand up for special recognition, Dr Ismail Bakare, the dutiful and hardworking medico at the Cottage Hospital, Omupo, moomi’s personal physician. 

Dr Bakare was explicit in his submission that Maami needed a specialist treatment and care.  And that specialist treatment, according to Dr Bakare, can adequately be provided by a certain Dr Gbadebo Ibrahim, an Orthopaedic Surgeon. Wait a moment, who is that medico?  My nephew, our own son, omo Ada Oye. To Crescent Hospital, Ilorin, we proceeded.  At the hospital, Grandma received treatment and reception fit only for the royalty from our own Dr Ibrahim and his team. May Allah (swt) reward their good deeds abundantly.

For six weeks, mama had a casting on her leg, while we took care of her at the Ilorin residence of her grand daughter, Mrs Kehinde Akanji,(née Adedoyin) the daughter in law of Professor and Mrs Musibau Akanji, Former Vice Chancellor of the Federal University of Technology, Minna. Only Allah (swt) can reward the kindness, love and affection extended to mama by Kayode, Kenny’s loving husband and Professor and Mrs Akanji. We cannot thank them enough. 

Kehinde’s total commitment to ensuring that mama comes out of the situation is the stuff a story of love and kindness is made of. Kenny earns mama’s prayers and she shall not be denied of her well deserved rewards.

 Also worthy of mention is Mama’ grandson in law and grand daughter, Major General Joseph and Olanike Omali’s demonstration of care and concern for mama’s wellness from far away Kaduna. May divine blessings continue to be their lot. The demonstration of love and concern and prayers by mama’s other grandchildren is equally remarkable. Also deserving of mention is Mama Niyi, Mama’s Caregiver. A Caregiver in the truest definition of that term, Mama Niyi took good care of Mama and she earns our love and affection for that. Rest assured that you will remain part of the Adedoyin family for ever.

From all indications, moomi just told herself that she had done enough on this terrain and she needed to take a bow.  After six weeks of having her leg encased in POP, the next xray showed that all was still not well with the fracture. The option we had, according to the Specialist, was a surgery. The surgery was successfully done Saturday November 4th. Mama came out of the theater, appreciating us, praying for us and the medical team. The next xray showed that the fracture has been taken care of and mama was to spend a few more days in the hospital, before going back home to resume her normal life, even if with the aid of a walker.

When the Doctor announced that Mama had been discharged on the night of Saturday, 11th November 2023, following series of tests which came out fine, Mama enthusiastically looked forward to going back to her home, which, obviously, she had missed so much. She would be at home the following morning. She was in top form and in high spirit.

Then the following day, mama left Ilorin for Okeya-Ipo, and a new turn of events began to unfold. Throughout the almost an hour and half journey from Ilorin to Okeya-Ipo, I couldn’t get to talk to my mother. Alhaji Agba, Madojutara, told me she was sleeping. She slept all through the journey. By  late afternoon, mama still had not woken up. By evening, mama was still asleep. By this time, the situation was concerning enough to seek medical intervention. With my elder brother in charge at the scene and with me co-ordinating from this end, we reached out to Dr Bakare. The Doctor instructed the nurses at Okeya-Ipo to set a drip for mama, even as I pleaded with him to go see mama immediately. The dutiful medico obliged and got to mama late into the night. His verdict: mama needed to be taken to the hospital immediately for intensive medical intervention as the situation was very grave. From that Sunday night to early this morning, when mama bade us farewell, she got the best care and attention. 

Moomi, Ahinke Ore, Iya a Tafa, to say that I will miss you is an understatement. My prayer warrior has left us in the physical Realms, my intellectual sparing partner on so many diverse family and community isses just departed this earthly terrain, my mother and friend of 60 years has gone to meet her Maker. 

So the daily Ekaale Moomi, on the phone has ended, so the days of sitting together to take up issues, to inquire about the wellbeing of each of your grand children has come to an end?  And we will never sit with you again on the front grounds of your home watching and playing as we slaughter and dress the Ileya rams. I will never hear your voice again except in the dream land.

I will miss you, Moomi. You lived long and lived well. It was as if you should remain with us for eternity, but then, you warned me about the inevitability of this day. You told me it would come. You told me to take heart when it happens. As  I pen these words, that piece of advice resonates in me: I am taking heart, taking solace in the fact that I tried my modest best to do what a child is expected to do for his loving mother. I know that where you are now, your prayers continue to pour on me. 

O digba, Moomi Ahinke Ore, Omo Obe Lore, Sun re.

*Adedoyin, Communication Strategist, wrote in from Lagos

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