  • Good governance is essential for sustainable development, economic growth, and social justice, writes Sonny Iroche
  • Good governance is the backbone of any successful nation, playing a crucial role in fostering sustainable development, promoting social justice, and ensuring the well-being of its citizens. The successive and past decades of bad governance in the country have made it imperative to analyze the pressing need for good governance in Nigeria, a country facing numerous challenges that hinder its progress. By examining the past state of governance, identifying key areas of concern, and proposing potential solutions for the Tinubu administration, this article seeks to shed light on the imperative role that good governance should play in Nigeria, going forward.
  • Let us now consider the essence and the urgency for the quest of good governance: To understand the need for good governance in Nigeria, it is essential to consider its historical context. Since gaining independence in 1960, Nigeria has struggled with a range of governance challenges, including corruption, weak institutions, insecurity and a lack of accountability, across all sectors of both public and private institutions. These issues have hindered economic growth, deepened social inequalities, and eroded public trust in the government.
  • Economic Implications: Good governance is crucial for economic development and attracting foreign direct investment. In Nigeria, corruption and mismanagement of resources have led to a significant drain on the economy. The lack of transparency in public procurement, inefficient bureaucracy, and inadequate regulatory frameworks have deterred both local and international investors. By implementing good governance practices, Nigeria can bolster economic growth, create employment opportunities, and reduce poverty.
  • Social Justice and Human Rights: Nigeria is a diverse nation with various ethnic and religious groups. However, the absence of good governance has exacerbated tensions and led to systemic discrimination. Marginalized communities often face limited access to quality education, healthcare, and basic infrastructure. Additionally, human rights violations, such as extrajudicial killings and police brutality, persist due to a lack of accountability, and lack of concern by previous administrations. Good governance can ensure equal rights, social inclusion, diversity, equity and justice for all Nigerians.
  • Strengthening Institutions and Rule of Law: The effectiveness of governance largely depends on the strength of institutions and the adherence to the rule of law. In Nigeria, weak institutions have facilitated corruption and compromised public service delivery. By promoting transparency, accountability, and meritocracy, Nigeria can cultivate a culture of good governance. This requires building independent and competent institutions, enacting and enforcing laws that promote transparency, and fostering a culture of ethics and integrity among public officials.
  • Citizen Participation and Engagement: Meaningful citizen participation is a cornerstone of good governance. In Nigeria, there is a need to enhance civic engagement, empower civil society organizations, and promote active citizenship. As it appears quite a number of citizens have resorted to self-help and lost confidence in the political class. By involving citizens in decision-making processes, ensuring access to information, and fostering a culture of accountability, Nigeria can harness the collective wisdom and energy of its people, particularly the teeming youth population and their resilience, creativity and tenacity leading to more informed policies and effective governance.
  • In conclusion therefore, the need for good governance in Nigeria cannot be overstated. It is essential for sustainable development, economic growth, social justice, and the overall well-being of its citizens. By addressing the historical challenges, strengthening institutions, promoting citizen participation, and upholding the rule of law, Nigeria can pave the way for a brighter future, not only for itself, but as the leading economic power house of the African continent.

·         The path to good governance may be challenging for the new administration, due to decades of misrule and failures of past administrations in the country, but the benefits it brings are invaluable. Though it may still be too early to appraise the Tinubu administration, which is only six months in office, having only been inaugurated on May 29, 2023, it is time for Nigeria to prioritize good governance and embark on a transformative journey towards progress and prosperity for all Nigerians, irrespective of religious or ethnic configuration. Now is the time for Nigeria to work towards fulfilling its destiny as the true giant and leadership role in Africa.

 Iroche is a 2022/2023 Senior Academic Fellow at the African Studies Centre. University of Oxford, UK


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