UNIABUJA to Forge Partnership with Senior Lawyers for Law Students’ Mentorship

…as VC promises world class Law Clinic, Moot Court

Raheem Akingbolu

In a strategic move, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Abuja, Prof. Abdulrasheed Na’Allah, is set to establish a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with accomplished legal practitioners in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and beyond. The purpose of this collaboration is to harness their wealth of experience and expertise to enhance the legal training provided to students in the University’s Faculty of Law.

Prof. Na’Allah disclosed this initiative during an oversight visit to the Faculty, where he meticulously inspected facilities and engaged in interactive sessions with both faculty members and students. He expressed satisfaction with the recent progress made in the faculty and the high caliber of lecturers within.

“The success recorded in the Law Faculty has been a constant source of pride for me since I assumed the role of Vice Chancellor. In addition to the infrastructural support provided, we are now moving to the next stage, which involves formalizing an MoU with distinguished legal practitioners in the FCT and beyond. This partnership aims to expose our Law students to the intricacies of legal practice,” stated the VC.

He emphasized the importance of seamless transition from academia to legal practice and assigned the Dean of the Faculty the task of collaborating on this endeavor.

As part of measures to further enrich the faculty, the vice-chancellor instructed the students’ Staff Adviser and Law Clinic Coordinator, Dr Nasir Muktar to put in writing other things needed for the Clinic and Moot Court accreditation.

He also called on the utility department of the University to, as a matter of urgency, see to the connection of the two new buildings and perhaps the Law theatre to the faculty’s alternative power supply.

In the same development, Na’Allah ordered the utility department to solve any problem associated with water supply in the faculty.

Acknowledging the cooperative efforts of the Faculty’s lecturers over the years, Prof. Na’Allah took a moment to pay tribute to the late Professor Arinse Abuha, a former dean of the Faculty, describing him as a loyal associate and a forward-thinking scholar who dedicated himself to the University’s development, especially the Law Faculty.

In his welcome address, the Acting Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Abdulrasheed Yusuf, praised Prof. Na’Allah as a ‘digital VC’ and appealed for continued support for the Law Faculty.

Earlier, the Director of the University’s Law Clinic, Dr. Nasir Muktar, had commended the Vice Chancellor for according the Faculty its rightful recognition. Muktar highlighted the achievements under Prof. Na’Allah’s leadership, including the ultra-modern lecture theater, Law Clinic, and the relocation to the permanent site. While expressing gratitude, he also appealed for support in establishing a world-class Moot Court for the Faculty

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