Committee of ICT Directors in Tertiary Institutions Break Glass Ceiling with First Merger

Kuni Tyessi in Abuja

For setting new standards of excellence in the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT),  directors of ICT in the nation’s public tertiary institutions have broken the glass ceiling of a first merger.

They broke the glass ceiling by creating an association that amalgamates polytecnics, colleges of education and universities.
Speaking on Thursday in Abuja at the inauguration of the new executive council, Chairman of ComDICT-NTI, Daniel Inusa Yakmut said the formation, the first of its kind will continue to explore and harness the full potential of ICT to improve the quality of education.

He added that the association will also be advocating for policies and standards that support the integration of technology in higher education.
According to Yakmut, “we have formed an association that had broken the glass ceiling. Ours is an association that is an amalgam of public polytecnics, colleges of education and universities. Consequently, we are the first of our kind within the tertiary education sector.

“The common denominator is the merger and provision of ICT infrastructure and services in tertiary institutions. We have common needs and challenges.
“Therefore, the formation of a unified association is beneficial and important to us, it provides us with a common front to confront our challenges and proffer solutions in entrenching the adoption and use of ICT in our tertiary Institutions.

“ComDICT-NTI had been formed with the main objective to promote and advance the use of technology in tertiary Institutions.
“Through collaboration and networking, the ComDICT seeks to share knowledge, resources, and best practices to improve the quality of education and research through the effective use of technology.

“We also will be advocating for policies and standards that support the integration of technology in higher education” he added.

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