Professor Chukwuma Charles Soludo came into global limelight many years ago on the strength of his brilliance and sterling achievements in the area of economics. After obtaining degree and post-graduate degrees from reputable universities, he taught in Ivy league universities in America and worked in international financial institutions.

Professor Soludo, who is the governor of Anambra State, is a visionary who has political and economic ideologies. Before he became the governor of Anambra State in 2022, he had contested for the state’s most exalted political diadem several times. But then, his efforts to become the governor of the state were futile.

Soludo’s espousal of his vision for Anambra people, which found resonance with them, was a plus for his aspiration to become the governor. And his familiarization with and adaptation to Anambra’s unique type of politics contributed no less to his emergence as the governor. So now, he is imbued with the knowledge of the state’s political culture.

Governor Soludo is a political visionary whose erudition and urbane cosmopolitan disposition have dictated and informed his style of political leadership. Before he took over the reins of power as the state governor, he had envisioned the type of state he wanted Anambra State to become. And being acquainted with the state’s problems, he prepared a programme of actions to tackle the state’s multifarious and hydra-headed problems.

Governor Soludo had previously made public his plan on how to transform Anambra State from a rustic state to a modern and developed sub-national political entity. Then, he had envisioned a state that would bear a striking resemblance to modern cities in Asian countries.

So now, Governor Soludo is making true his visions about making Anambra a safe, livable, and prosperous state. Before his ascendance to power, Anambra State was in the firm grip of criminal elements. At that time, those criminal gangs were killing people for sundry and unjustifiable reasons and abducting rich people for ransom. And the state was a hotbed of secessionist activities with pro-Biafra agitators running riot and unleashing mayhem on the people.

But now, the high incidence of the perpetration of criminal and homicidal deeds in Anambra State has abated. It was Governor Soludo’s interventions that stemmed the tide of the execution of criminal and homicidal deeds. The terrorists, armed robbers, and kidnappers terrorizing the people had been dislodged from their safe havens. So, now, in Anambra State, people are no longer being killed by gunmen, who are fighting for nebulous causes.

Again, Governor Soludo is acutely aware that if Anambra State is clean, it will be a salubrious space for human habitation. In the past, refuse dumps that oozed stench sat next to people’s houses and major roads. The stench that oozed out from the refuse dumps was very hazardous to people’s health. And those refuse dumps were excrescences on our beautiful landscape.

So Chukwuma Soludo thought out a practical way for the evacuation of refuse dumps from our streets.  The implementation of his roadmap had rid our streets of those mountainous refuse dumps that occupied portions of our roads and impeded the free flow of traffic.

In addition to making our towns clean, and executing security measures to guarantee the safety of our lives and property, Governor Soludo has not neglected the education sector. Being aware that education is the cornerstone of national development, he has prioritized the revamping of the Anambra State’s educational sector. And he knows that functional and efficient school system is the game changer in our drive to evolve our own variant of technological culture and achieve economic prosperity.

Chiedu Uche Okoye,


Anambra State

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