The Otedolas Celebrate Elegant and Beautiful Mama Attah at 90

The family of billionaire businessman and Chairman of Geregu Power PLC, Femi Otedola came out a few days ago to celebrate their matriarch, Madam Cecilia Abosede Attah, the mother of Otedola’s beautiful wife, Nana. It was a colourful party, with friends and relatives at hand to gladden the hearts of the birthday celebrant.

One can never tell the distance that Otedola would travel to celebrate his birthday or those of his loved ones. For his mother-in-law’s, it was a surprise to many that the genius business investor decided to settle in Lagos. However, once the location was decided and decorations completed, it became obvious that the Otedolas intended to break away from the conventional birthday celebrations.

The entire family came out in bright red, blue, and pink, with Otedola garbed in his usual white. The lady of the house, Lady Nana, had her daughters around, and she similarly hung around her mother, the 90-year-old celebrant. Each smiling in their shared happiness, the Otedolas demonstrated their commitment to each other and the way of familial harmony, unstained by controversies and contention.

While Madam Attah enjoyed her 90th birthday celebration party organised by her son-in-law and granddaughters, guests could only mill around, basking in the joyous atmosphere. It helped that Lady Nana looked her usual best, with skin looking softer than milk and the unrestrained gait of a girl in her late teens. Even with Otedola looking on in pride, Madam Attah undoubtedly went to bed that night with bubbling bliss in her heart.

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