Ihonvbere Endorses Inaugural Otuo Heritage Celebrations

Durojaiye  Ikhazuagbe

The Majority Leader of the Federal House of Representatives, Prof. Julius Ihonvbere, has endorsed the Otuo Heritage Celebrations scheduled for between December 26th and 30th, 2023 in Otuo, Edo State.

 Ihonvbere who is two-time member representing the Owan Federal constituency of Edo State in the House of Representatives, said in his goodwill message to the community that he admires Otuo people for having historically demonstrated unique qualities of dependability, credibility, resilience and hard-work.

“The up coming Otuo Heritage Celebration is first of its kind. Historically, the Otuo people have demonstrated their unique qualities of dependability, credibility, resilience, hard-work and the ability to mobilise their people at home and in the diaspora to support projects and worthy causes. Otuo people have always identify with not just Owan East and West but the entire Afenmai and Edo North.

The APC Majority Leader stressed further that it is not by accident that Otuo  has produced some of the most credible, hardworking and achieving individuals in the country, both in the legislative and executive arms of government as well as in the military.

“I am therefore very happy that Otuo People are coming together to celebrate themselves and use this opportunity to encourage their young ones to learn the language, the dances, cultures and values of the Otuo People. It is also an opportunity to bring to the fore the original, distinctive and delicious cuisine of the people and educate the young ones on traditions, leadership and community priorities and also identify projects that need to be completed for a better life.”

He further expressed his excitement with Otuo people for also going to recognise and honour those who have contributed immensely to development of the community.

“For me, this is the kind of celebrations that other communities should emulate. Without doubt, coming together like this build some sort of affinity,  a sense of communality of unity of understanding and reliance on alternative dispute resolution mechanisms rather than resort to violence and all kinds of atavistic responses to common  social contradictions. 

“ I therefore commend Otuo people for putting up this type of celebration that will keep Owan agog this December starting from December 26 through December 30. I urge all and sundry to come and enjoy all that Otuo has to offer in this their inaugural Otuo Heritage Celebration,” concludes Rt. Hon. Ihonvbere.

The Otuo Heritage Celebration is going to be a weeklong potpourri of activities starting with a Christian Praise Night, Otuo Culture & Festivals, Documentary on Otuo, Ghotuo Language Display, Talent Hunt & Beauty Pageant, Otuo Foods & Cuisine, Lecture Series, Hall of Fame and many other items lined up

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