Shortly after Prof Soludo was made CBN governor, he announced his strategic vision that if Nigerian banks were not recapitalised they would not be able to compete in the global or even African market place. And in the event of a financial crisis will not survive.

Without knowing where the resources for such capitalisation would come from he gave the banks 18 months to meet specific capital thresholds or fold up. A Big Hairy Audacious goal *BHAG*.

As is the remit of a CBN governor, Soludo did many other commendable things but his tenure is remembered for the one strategic economy defining initiative, his bank recapitalisation. When you work in other African countries and see Nigerian banks dominating their banking sector you remember Soludo.

So when as a gubernatorial candidate Prof Soludo spoke about turning Anambra into “Dubai and Taiwan,“ I was one of his fervent supporters.

But two years into his four- year tenure , I keep asking  myself: in relationship to Anambra what is that *BHAG* that Soludo has set his eyes upon and delivered or is on the way to delivering?

Every day I read from those in government how he has employed teachers and trained youths and awarded road contracts and is building fun city, etc. All these are commendable. He did many commendable things at the CBN! But he is not remembered for them. Competent leaders do commendable things—- great leaders do generation changing things.

Maybe my expectations were too high. Or maybe politics of Anambra has not allowed Prof Soludo to be the visionary he can be. Regardless of the reason, in the solitude of his bedroom the good Prof needs to be asking himself the question:  What *BHAG* will I be remembered for when I leave Govt House? Right now I am not seeing any.

Joe Attueyi,

Director, Attueyi Coding Academy

University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus

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