Izu Okwuobasi Unveils Exhibition

Tosin Clegg

The Million Mile is a metaphor for all the collective miles of migration of Nigerians out of Nigeria in search of greener pastures. Construction Engineer cum Travel Photographer, Izu Okwuobasi captured his two-day exhibition as a metaphor for all the miles that he had traveled to capture these photos and bring his experience.

With the Japa trend increasingly becoming a goal for most youths in Nigeria this exhibition seeks in providing first-hand insights into migration and its impacts.

He said, “As you embark on a journey through my photographs, I wish to share the heart of the narrative my journey which is not only a reflection of my experiences but a tapestry of a legacy handed down by my late father. 

“My father, alongside his brothers, ventured to America in pursuit of ‘greener pastures,’ a journey many from our homeland of Nigeria have aspired to. Tragically, his life was cut short, assassinated just three days after I turned 18. His untimely death left a void and a legacy I felt compelled to continue.”

He further commented that, “My career at the time, as a field and construction engineer became the vessel for my exploration of America. It led me to the corners of the country that narratives often leave untouched – the swamps, plains, mountains, and quiet towns with stories waiting to be told. 

“As I traversed this vast land, I captured moments of raw beauty and truth: horses galloping across a Native American reservation in North Dakota, the solemnity of a Civil War graveyard in Vicksburg, the haunting silence of run-down towns like Brooksville, and the iconic grandeur of Mount Rushmore.

“These photographs, shared online, resonated with many, revealing an America that exists beyond the silver screen and postcards, the real America.”

The exhibition which took place between the 16th and 17th of December 2023 stands as the five-year mark of this journey and a time to weave the threads into a narrative that not only pays homage to his father’s memory but also invites viewers to see America through another set of eyes – the eyes of a young Nigerian bound by hope, loss, and the relentless pursuit of a dream.

Izu added that, “This exhibition is crucial in establishing myself as a recognised artist and photographer. Success here means gaining recognition for my unique narrative and artistic vision, which blends the journey of Nigerian immigrants with my personal exploration of America.”

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