National Orientation Agency Condemns Extortion by Rogue Police, Affirms Commitment to Real Nigerian Values

Folalumi Alaran in Abuja

In a scathing response to the recent incident involving Dutch tourist extortion, the Director General of National Orientation Agency (NOA), Mallam Lanre Issa-Onilu, has condemned the actions of the police officers involved, labelling them as unpatriotic and a disgrace to the true Nigerian spirit.

In a press statement signed by Paul Odenyi, yesterday, Issa-Onilu applauded the Nigerian police for swift action in disowning, arresting, and dismissing the implicated personnel, emphasising that such behaviour is not representative of the values held dear by the nation.

The  NOA boss expressed deep regret over the incident, asserting that “Real Nigerians” are characterised by honesty, dedication, courtesy, and hard work, traits incongruent with the extortion witnessed.

Issa-Onilu who commended the Dutch tourist for her courage in reporting the incident,  highlighted the collective responsibility to expose unruly behaviour, emphasising the importance of reporting to authorities for prompt disciplinary action.

Issa-Onilu further announced plans for a lifestyle charter that will outline the promises of the country to its citizens and their codes of duty. He clarified that these values transcend religious, tribal, or political affiliations, and any act tarnishing the country’s reputation will not be tolerated.

Issa-Onilu urged all Nigerians to embrace the “New Dawn” of renewed hope in the real Nigerian spirit, emphasising the commitment to upholding values that stand above divisive sentiments.

In his words: “These are not the real Nigerians. A real Nigerian is honest, dedicated, courteous and hardworking. No real Nigerian would descend this low to demand bribes from a Tourist. Let it be known that this is not us, this is definitely not The real Nigerian Spirit.”

“What they have done is totally against the laws of our country  and it behooves on everyone of us, to report such unruly behavior, whenever, to constituted authorities for prompt disciplinary action,” NOA DG added.

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