JIMOH IBRAHIM pays tribute to the Lord Jesus Christ!

 Yes, let’s keep empiricism for a while. Those who think there is no God can now tell from the events of 25th December (The common Christian traditional birthdate of Jesus, a date first asserted officially by Pope Julius I in 350 AD) every year how the birthday of the son of the creator, our Lord Jesus Christ, the entire world was shut down for the peace of celebration and not war. What can be more empirical, and if Jesus was not born on that day, why are you observing the holiday? Our relationships, peace of mind, and, ultimately, eternal destiny. The Bible claims to be God’s inspired Word and repeatedly declares its message is valid—without any error. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that each one of us determines for ourselves whether the Bible is indeed the Word of God. What cannot be disputed remains in the celebration of the 25th of December for everyone observing the holiday and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, exchanging gifts, eating the best food, and observing prayers. It is the only day of the year we all take to happiness in his remembrance. While law courts are closed, lawmakers close chambers. Even Presidents went on holiday!

A big fear of living after death is that we will give an account to God about how we responded to Jesus Christ’s offer of salvation through His death on the Cross. On the other hand, if the Bible is not true and God does not exist, then we are free to live as we please. If God does not exist, we will solely experience the consequences of our choices. The philosophy of “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die” is a logical response if there is no God and the universe has no purpose. Without God, we are free to live as we please. But the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and this explains the apprehension of fear of going to heal and the need to be kind to humanity as we observe on 25th December every year celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Yes, for those still waiting for God to speak to them directly as evidence of God revealing himself to humanity, don’t forget that it is impossible for any human, or even Satan, to predict future events with precise accuracy, for the Bible said. “Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, my counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure” (Isaiah 46:9–10). The evidence from hundreds of fulfilled prophecies regarding the life and death of Jesus Christ provides the most substantial and evident proof of the Bible’s divine inspiration. A few examples cited by the signature of God include the undisputed evidence that The Bible’s primary purpose is to reveal God’s plan of salvation. However, whenever Scripture deals with history, archaeology, nature, medicine, or science, it reveals advanced knowledge that is true and verifiable. Such biblical statements were first recorded far in advance of the knowledge available during the time of the original.

Human writers believe that the Bible’s wisdom, knowledge, and ethics proclaim its supernatural origin to anyone seeking answers to life’s most profound questions. The wisest people of all cultures and times are committed to its truths. And that the Scriptures contain advanced medical and sanitation knowledge from thousands of years ago. This medical knowledge has saved countless lives. In addition, its lifesaving commands still prove their worth today, as the Bible remains living proof. Again, don’t forget that Historians of the ancient world and recent archaeological finds confirm the names of kings and kingdoms and the dates of wars and mass migrations mentioned in the Bible. Recent breakthroughs in astronomy, physics, and medical science have shown that God’s Word is accurate, and there is no evidence to the contrary.

The holiday is here, and as we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is essential to reflect on the lessons of the celebration on days like this, as the gap is gradually closing and the reality that Jesus will soon be here. There is no escape but a sound reward for human kindness. I do know that there is no number of sins here that can justify your missing heaven. It is my assurance that you will make it.

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year in advance!

 Ibrahim holds a Doctorate in Management Science from the University of Cambridge and another Doctorate in Modern War Studies from the University of Buckingham in the United Kingdom. He is the Senator representing Ondo South at the Nigerian Senate.

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